-"Did you fall from heaven? Or climb out of hell? Either one is fine by me..." 

- "You see, I've opened my eyes. There's more to life than being your little pet, so from now on, I think I should try being the master." 

- "When we step in front of a camera, our job is to sell not ourselves, but a fantasy." 

- "There's room for only one queen in this city, and that's me." 

 All of these make sense in context, and you'll have to read the story to find out how.

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

>>I hope to have formally published at least one of my books ten years from now. If not, I'll still be glad to continue writing as a hobby.

Now let us talk about your book. How would you describe your story in five words? Could you please give us a brief summary of what your book is about? What makes your book different from other books in the same genre(s)?

>>They may not be my own words, but a reader once described my story as 'fox girl is down bad,' and I think this description is fitting. The main character of 'The Tour Guide' is motivated deeply by love, and most of her problems stem from that in some way. 

She resurrects her old lover one lonely February, which leads to misunderstandings and complications in the form of a potential adversary. In addition to Japanese mythology, I was heavily inspired by some of the manga I read growing up. 

One thing that sets my book apart from others is the fact that it takes place shortly before the start of Japan's bubble era (1986 - 1991), which is a period often remembered for its extravagance and excess. 

Which character or characters of your story do you relate to most? And why?

>>None of the characters in my story are anything close to being ordinary, so it's hard to say which of them I relate to the most. But if I had to choose one, I'd go with the salaryman Tsutomu, since he's the most human and offers a grounded perspective on the supernatural occurrences around him. 

How did you come up with such a fascinating plot? Were there any inspirations?

>>I've already mentioned Japanese mythology and manga as my inspirations, but another would be Japanese films and dramas, more specifically, the ones with fantasy or romance elements. 

How did you discover Wattpad? And what engendered you to begin writing on this platform? What do you like best about this application?

>>I joined Wattpad out of curiosity after some other writers mentioned publishing here as well. The colorful and eye-catching design of this website attracted me a lot, and I thought it was cool that you could give a book a fancy cover and insert pictures or videos.  

When did you start writing on Wattpad? How has your writing journey been ever since then?

>>I made my account back in 2017, but I didn't start posting my work until 2019, which is when I began writing The Tour Guide. It took me until May 2022 to finish, so I try to compensate by updating the sequel, Stranded in the Future, on a more regular basis. I've managed to write thirty-three chapters for that one, so it will most likely be complete by the middle of next year. 

What is your writing process and how do you cope when writers' block hits you?

>>I plan the basic storyline and do the foundational research before I begin writing, but I also make a lot of changes as I go. When it comes to writer's block, I try not to actively fight it, since distracting myself by doing something different tends to help my motivation and creativity in the long run. Think of it as taking a break to refresh my mind. 

Are you a pantser or a plotter? During which time of the day do you usually write?

>>I'd say I'm more of a pantser, since I allow the reactions and decisions of my characters to dictate which direction the story goes. In the case of The Tour Guide, the ending turned out completely different from what I'd originally envisioned. 

 I usually write in the evening, after I've taken care of my other commitments. 

What would be your advice to young and budding authors, who are just beginning their journey on Wattpad and are quite new to the writing world?

>>Interact with other authors as much as possible and listen to feedback so you can improve. But also remember that perfection doesn't exist, and you can't please everyone at the end of the day. 

Is there any author(s) on Wattpad whom you look up to as an amazing writer?

 >>amelierhys: She's a great writer of both regency and contemporary romance. I recommend her 'Before' series to anyone who is a fan of those genres. 

 Ornacopa: While inspired by Japanese mythology, this writer also gives things a superhero spin, with the protagonist of 'Foxfire' undergoing training to defeat numerous mythical monsters. 

 david_hull: He brings something unique to the usual teen romance by setting 'For Those Who Don't Believe in Love Songs' in the 1990s and introducing existential Groundhog Day elements. If you're a sucker for pop culture references, but also can't help questioning the purpose of your existence, this is a great book to check out. 

NelleIvy: Not only is she great at writing serious fantasy with high stakes, but she's also produced the most amusing and accurate parody of werewolf fiction I've found on this site.

Could we please have two or more Wattpad story recommendations? What do you like most about these stories?

>>Aside from the stories I've mentioned above, I'll also recommend the following. 

 - Granny Thayer, Demon Slayer by CMF_Wright and spelunkadunk: A grandmother becomes an unlikely hero when she is recognized as the chosen one and travels with her eccentric companions to rescue her grandson and defeat the Dark Lord. 

 - Transformed by NelleIvy: The first in the Witches and Warlocks series. Theresa and her sister Daphne escape their controlling aunt, but a certain curse really complicates things. 

 - The Seer's Child byJulianne_Summers: It's set in 8th century Scotland and features fantasy elements. I can't reveal much else without spoiling crucial story details. 

What would be the three words to describe yourself as an author?

>>It's hard to find three words that properly describe myself as an author, but after some thought, I've decided on 'methodical, conscientious, and imaginative.'

Thank you so much! It was an honour to have you here for the interview conducted by Celestia Cove. We wish you lots of success on your writing journey and may you flourish more. Thank you once again!

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