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Hello fellow Wattpadders! Today we have SuVida777 with us, the author of the book, Black Avatare.

I am Abhipreeti (_abhipreeti_), and I have interviewed Su Vida, a.k.a, SuVida777.

Su Vida is an artist, animator, author and a sci-fi nerd from the central hills of Sri Lanka

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Su Vida is an artist, animator, author and a sci-fi nerd from the central hills of Sri Lanka. During the pandemic, she pursued her own creative journey and started penning her stories.

She loves everything quirky, and her novels are all YA speculative fiction—sci-fi, fantasy and horror. They come with immersive worlds and heroines who tend to be nerdy, whimsical and rebellious. She loves delving into the mind-boggling possibilities of science and technology, as well as exploring social/eco themes that could do with a spotlight. So underneath the fun and fluff, there's always something for the nerds and thinkers.

When she's not drawing, animating, volunteering or writing, she can be found geeking out over anime, video games and funky science.

At what age did you realize that you have a special place for writing? Are you currently or do you ever dream of one day being in the writing industry?

>>Back in the day, writing meant essays for school, the occasional short story/odd chapters and scripts for animated works. It was only during the pandemic that I sat down to write an actual novel (though the characters existed in my brain for a long time before that).

So in late 2020, I wrote 40,000 words of Komoreby. In January 2021, I posted it on Wattpad.

Yes! It's my dream to get my books published one day!

Did any story, on or off Wattpad, inspire you ever and help you carve your interest towards writing books?

>>My work is influenced by the stories I've loved throughout the years!

My taste in books is diverse. Some of my favorite books/authors include Harry Potter, Animorphs, Sherlock Holmes, The Lord of the Rings, Roald Dahl, Enid Blyton, Mediator by Meg Cabot, Nancy Drew, Dan Brown, Michael Crichton, Robin Cook's medical thrillers, Arthur C. Clarke, Stephen Baxter, Alastair Reynolds and Six of Crows.

Don't get me started on the manga/anime! My favorites include Naruto, One Piece, Bleach and Death Note.

What is the genre(s) in which you mostly write your books? Do you think you are able to create brilliant plots when you write in that specific genre(s)?

>>Everything I write is YA speculative fiction—sci-fi, fantasy and horror. I love all three genres, though I tend to gravitate towards sci-fi. My newest work, Black Avatare, combines all three.

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