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Hello fellow Wattpadders! Today we have Exequinne with us, the author of the book, When Last Night Didn't End.

I am Abhipreeti (_abhipreeti_), and I have interviewed Caeran, a.k.a, Exequinne.

Caeran is a twenty-something, Asian author who has nine cats—all of which don't exist

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Caeran is a twenty-something, Asian author who has nine cats—all of which don't exist. A builder of worlds and a crazy writer at heart, they have titled more series than they could ever write, ending up with a queue to last them until they're seventy. Find completed and ongoing works on their Wattpad profile, Exequinne.

At what age did you realize that you have a special place for writing? Are you currently or do you ever dream of one day being in the writing industry?

>>I was 9 when I realized I wanted to be a poet, 13 when I decided to be a novelist, and 17, a genre fiction author. I am not in the writing industry, but man, I sure wish to be.

Did any story, on or off Wattpad, inspire you ever and help you carve your interest towards writing books?

>>The first inspiration for my genre fiction craze is Rick Riordan's Kane Chronicles, and later, Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. There are other influences over the years, but it'd take me twenty years to list all of them. xD

What is the genre(s) in which you mostly write your books? Do you think you are able to create brilliant plots when you write in that specific genre(s)?

>>Fantasy is my go-to on any good day. Romance comes in second, though it's usually intertwined with other plot points since I don't do contemporary pure romance well. As for the brilliance of my plots...well, I'll leave it up to the readers to decide. I doubt I'll write something that's not cringe worthy because that's just how imposter syndrome works.

What advice would you like to give to authors who are writing in the same genre(s) as yours?

>>Fantasy is such an easy genre to nail, mostly because anything can happen. The only thing you need to think about is creating a world that's coherent, logical, and still magical. There are further intricacies underneath that advice, but again, we don't want to be here for twenty more years.

Do you have any favourite quote or quotes from your book?

>>I'll share some.

But that's the truth to love, right? To open one's heart meant risking getting shards inside it. To love someone was to risk getting hurt. All for the sake of tasting a little bit of heaven in this cruel world. — Nagara Rin

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