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Hello fellow Wattpadders! Today we have BelitAm, author of the book, Play of Shadows, with us.

I am Abhipreeti (_abhipreeti_), and I have interviewed Belit Am, a.k.a, BelitAm.

Belit Am writes mystery interwoven with elements of fantasy and science fiction

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Belit Am writes mystery interwoven with elements of fantasy and science fiction. She enjoys creating fantastical worlds filled with quirky characters, often inspired by the fairy tales she read as a child growing up in Europe. 

At what age did you realize that you have a special place for writing? Are you currently or do you ever dream of one day being in the writing industry?

>>I started writing fairly young. My first story was typed on my grandfather's typewriter, some twenty years ago. It featured werewolves and magical forests and a flying bed. I had ink under my nails for days! Becoming a published author is very much a dream of mine. Joining Wattpad and sharing my writing with the world has been a huge step toward that goal, and I cannot be more thankful to my audience.

Did any story, on or off Wattpad, inspire you ever and help you carve your interest towards writing books?

>>The Lord of the Rings. I watched the first movie in a small, outdoor theater as a teen. The movie gripped my imagination like no other work had before. I immediately found the books, read them all, and emerged in love with writing as a craft. 

What is the genre(s) in which you mostly write your books? Do you think you are able to create brilliant plots when you write in that specific genre(s)?

>>I write in many genres, but they all contain elements of fantasy and light horror. The otherworldly is often scary when put into perspective, after all. I do enjoy writing mysteries and leaving the reader guessing about certain plot points. I hesitate to place my work in any single genre, as I think most could fit in several at once. They are plot-driven works, rather than genre-dependent – which makes selecting a category difficult when posting on Wattpad, ha-ha!

What advice would you like to give to authors who are writing in the same genre(s) as yours?

>>Write often and read as much and as widely as you can. Reading is so, so important. It gives an author glimpse into different perspectives, informs them on a variety of topics, enrichens their own voice and vocabulary – it is an indispensable part of the craft. And more importantly, it is lots of fun!

Do you have any favourite quote or quotes from your book?

>>A few come to mind: 

"He was gone when Ann looked up. So was the castle and the starry sky. Ann was alone in a darkness so complete it felt eternal, living, some great beast that had swallowed her whole while she wasn't looking."Play of Shadows, Chapter 0.11  

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