Wildfire Heart ( 1 ) M

535 15 2

Jungkook left his friends not long after, feeling uneasy in their company, and quite tired. He thought he must have changed a great deal, to feel uncomfortable around men he once considered brothers. Once? Was their closeness at an end? Why was he headed straight to his wife's rooms rather than his own?

He supposed in some way he wanted to reclaim her. He'd felt needling jealousy at the way she'd gazed at Taehyung, and then looked away as if she were doing something illicit. Perhaps she was doing something illicit-lusting after a man who wasn't her husband.

But she had never lusted for Taehyung, only idolized him as some girlish fantasy that couldn't be farther from the truth. She had loved taehyung. She'd told Jungkook so on several occasions, although he'd forgotten about it until Taehyung showed up. Perhaps three months apart wasn't long enough to fall out of love with a person, although it was plenty of time to fall in love with a person.

He was going to rosé because he was quite certain he loved her, and her arms were the first thing he thought of when he needed reassurance and comfort. Even if the reassurance and comfort was needed because of her.

Perhaps they had only been polite smiles. Perhaps she had looked
away so quickly for some other reason. Perhaps the guilty glances they'd exchanged were a figment of his own husbandly jealousy. Perhaps he ought not to visit her after all. A moment later he was at her door. He cracked it open,peering into the dimly lit room until he located his wife in bed.

"Are you asleep, my dear?"

She sat up straighter within her pillows.

"No, I'm not asleep."

Jungkook moved toward her, thinking how very provocative she looked in the ruffled, feminine confection of a bed. Since they'd come to his mansion he'd demanded her attendance in his rooms, and even slept beside her on occasion, but he'd never spent time with her here. It seemed a terrible omission because she looked so alluring in her womanly bower.

Her light brown eyes bewitched him. Her shift was slightly askew, exposing a fine feminine collar bone, and her honey blonde curls spread wild about her shoulders and down her back. She wore no nightcap as some wives did.

She looked so young. So innocent. That she could remain so after all
he'd done to her... He looked about for any servants, and was pleased to fine none.

"Can I join you in bed?"

She gave him a wide-eyed look and nodded. He wondered why he
asked her permission. He had made it known from the start he would
claim his marital rights when it pleased him, in his bed or her bed or wherever else he liked. Perhaps he asked because this seemed so much like her domain. And why did she look so alarmed? If he found Taehyung here...

But no, he'd just left Taehyung downstairs with the others, and the
man would never stoop to seduce his wife, anyway. None of them would do such a thing, so why was he obsessing like a feather-brained fool?

He needed rosé. He slid under the covers beside her and collected her into a comfortable embrace.

"How are you?" He glanced at
her bedside table."Reading a book?"

"Yes. I thought you would spend more time with your friends."

"No, not tonight. They're going to be on their way tomorrow."

He saw surprise in her gaze. Or was it disappointment?

"Have you recuperated fully from this afternoon?" he asked.

"Have you... Have you come to do it again?"

He threw back his head and laughed at the anxiety in her tone.

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