The Show Must Go On

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Note: This one isn't as depressing. Please let me know if you guys prefer the happy ones or dark ones... Thank you! 

The campfire songs were getting quite boring and repetitive. Percy had said as much one night... and had quickly come to regret it. The Apollo cabin had seemed to take his declaration as a challenge, and against everyone else's complaints, decided that starting a new tradition was absolutely necessary— they started hosting skit nights. 

For the first week and a half, it went surprisingly well. Every other day the Apollo cabin would present a new skit that they had practiced the day before. For the most part they didn't drag too many people into it, just the Apollo campers and the occasional volunteer. Percy enjoyed it at first, watching the campers run around stage and display their dramatic antics. But of course, Percy never had the best luck. 

He blamed Jason. 

The whole camp was gathered around a make-shift stage, watching a couple of Apollo campers scrambling around to get everything ready. He and his friends were all sitting in the very front, placing bets on what they thought this one would be about. Annabeth was halfway through her rant on why she thought it would be a fight scene before she stopped mid-sentence to face Percy. Sometimes he forgot she had ADHD, too. 

"You should be in a skit, Percy." She had suggested, grinning at just the thought of it. "You're certainly dramatic enough." Percy had sent her a mock-hurt look and put a hand over his heart, and Annabeth just raised an eyebrow and smirked as if to say see? 

"Yeah!" Jason piped up, "Do it, dude!" 

"No! Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I wouldn't even have a skit planned." Percy protested, crossing his arms. A beaming Apollo camper popped up out of nowhere, clutching a small stack of papers. Percy totally didn't let out an embarrassing noise. Totally. 

"I got you covered!" She said. "I have the script right here from when they were practicing, and the two actors that were supposed to do it got in an argument and backed out. You could fill in if you wanted." 

Percy really wanted to say no, but she was looking up at him with such hopeful eyes, like her whole life was riding on his decision. 

"I..." he trailed off, not knowing what to say. 

"He says yes." Jason decided for him. Before Percy could deny it, though, the girl's face brightened up considerably and she forced the script into his unwilling hands.

"Awesome! Find another actor and the stage is all yours!" The Apollo camper skipped away, all sunshine and rainbows while Percy was feeling nothing but a sense of overwhelming doom. His horrified face must have shown, because everyone started laughing at him. 

"Good luck!" Jason said, obviously proud of himself for shoving his friend into such an odd position. Percy whipped around to glare at him. 

"You!" He shouted, poking Jason's chest. "This is your fault! I am so getting my revenge." 

"OOOOOOO... fight, fight, fight!" Leo chanted, Piper quickly joining in while the others laughed. 

"No, no. Something worse than that." Percy smirked, an idea slowly forming in his head. The camper said to find another actor, didn't she? Percy paused dramatically, savoring the nervous expression on Jason's face and the anticipatory silence of the others. 

"You're going to be the second actor." 

Watching the color drain from Jason's face was almost worth the embarrassment that would soon follow. Almost. 


It took approximately five minutes of coaxing and dragging to force Jason onto stage. Percy held a single, crumbled script between the two of them, squinting at the ink on the page and trying to figure out what his lines were. Stupid dyslexia. The frick ton of eyes locked on him, and the line of sweat steadily dripping down his back did not help whatsoever. 

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