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Note: I think me attempting to write in Spanish would be painful for everyone involved, so in this chapter italics = Spanish!

The seven were lounging around under the shade of a big tree, close enough to the strawberry fields for the sweet, comforting smell to reach them. Despite the peaceful atmosphere, this was the seven we're talking about— the group was anything but peaceful.

Jason and Percy were at the center of it all, arguing loudly and theatrically while Annabeth and Piper questioned their life choices. Leo, however, was proud to egg them on, and Frank and Hazel just watched through barely suppressed amusement.

"My powers are much cooler! I mean, I can waterbend!" Percy was saying, pulling a ribbon of water from Annabeth's water bottle for emphasis. Annabeth huffed, annoyed, but didn't stop him from twisting the water around dramatically before returning it to her bottle. The water glistened against the brilliant sun, sending a faint, iridescent glimmer across the grass. Jason rolled his eyes, unimpressed.

"So? I can airbend!" Jason waved his hands around, forming a miniature tornado of fallen leaves. The tornado twisted and twirled, smacking right against Percy's face. His already messy hair blew in every direction, a leaf briefly stuck to his skin, and the dust uprooted from the mini tornado made him sneeze. Jason laughed. Percy glared halfheartedly.

"OOOO, You gonna take that?" Leo goaded. Piper snickered.

"I can breathe underwater and talk to fish." Percy offered.

"Well I can fly, and that's more useful than swimming. I mean, how many quests have you gone on underwater?" Jason said. His tone was smug, prideful, and as much as Percy had grown to like the roman, he just wanted to smack him in the face at that moment.

"Look how smug he is. Ugh. He certainly inherited his dad's ego," Leo said in Spanish. Despite the harsh words, his face and tone were bright and lighthearted. No one would have been able to guess he just insulted his best friend unless they spoke Spanish.

Percy, fortunately enough, fell in that category. He couldn't control the surprised laugh that bubbled up. Leo turned towards him, a sheepish expression on his face.

"Ah, I forgot you spoke Spanish... Am I wrong though?" Leo asked, half defensive and half trying not to laugh. The seven looked between Leo and Percy, confused on why the former was speaking Spanish and the other was laughing so hard.

"You're so right, man. He also inherited the dramatic flair with that whole tornado." Percy giggled, trying to reel himself in. His efforts ended up in vain though when he processed his friends' expressions.

All of their jaws dropped, and they were staring at Percy wide-eyed. Annabeth especially looked like she was questioning everything. Percy started laughing all over again, and this time Leo joined him.

"Did none of them know you speak Spanish? Not even Annabeth?" Leo asked, clutching his stomach. "Look at her face!"

Percy studied his girlfriend's face, grinning.

"For a daughter of Athena, I would have thought she would have realized by now. I'm literally Hispanic." Percy said. The more he talked, the closer to the floor his girlfriend's jaw got. Percy's accent was perfect, and he spoke quicker in Spanish than he did in English.

"To be fair, you do look very white. I sometimes forget myself." Leo admitted. Percy huffed, offended.

"Okay okay my features do look pretty white, but that's just because I took after my dad! They should still be able to tell. I mean, we have almost the same skin tone." Percy protested, holding out his arm. Leo understood what the boy met and offered his arm, too, comparing. Their skin tone had a slightly different hue, but looked noticeably similar and were the same darkness.

Someone gasped. The two ignored them.

"I guess you're right, but your last name is Jackson. That's very white." Leo shrugged.

"My mom's grandpa was white, that's why." Percy admitted.

"So your mom's half?" Leo tilted his head.

"No, stupid. She's like... three-quarters. I said her grandpa, not her dad. The last name was passed down." Percy rolled his eyes, and Leo looked partially offended at the name calling as if this whole thing wasn't started by him insulting his best friend.

Annabeth cleared her throat, and the boys finally turned to look at their friends. They all looked hilariously lost, eyes batting back and forth between Leo and Percy.

"...You're Hispanic?" She asked, her sharp eyes analyzing all of his features and then glancing at Leo. She must have realized why they were comparing skin tone earlier.

"Yep!" Percy said casually.
".... Your last name is Jackson." Frank said bluntly. Percy threw his head back and groaned, and Leo laughed.

"We were literally just talking about that," Percy huffed, as if it was Frank's fault he didn't know Spanish. Frank smiled apologetically, and Percy immediately felt bad but didn't elaborate anyway.

"...I always thought you were just really tanned," Jason admitted, embarrassed. "Y'know, since you're the son of the ocean god and all." Everyone besides Percy and Leo nodded in agreement.

"You have green eyes." Annabeth announced. Percy blinked.

"Wow really? I haven't noticed." He said sarcastically. Annabeth groaned.

"I just mean that... shouldn't you have dark eyes?"

In lieu of answering, Percy gestured to Hazel. Everyone turned towards the girl, who was silently watching everything unfold with her wide, golden eyes. Golden. The light color contrasted nicely with her skin, proving Percy's point.

Annabeth sighed in acceptance.

"You really are full of surprises, huh?" She said.

"You have no idea." Percy grinned.

Note: Guys please I promise I don't hate Jason, it's for the bit!!

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