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The war was finally over, and the seven needed a break from everything mythical. It was Frank who first suggested it, a half-thought-out casual idea: "Hey, what if we hang out in the city? Even at camp it's hard to relax with reminders everywhere." 

"That's an excellent idea!" Annabeth had responded, "Percy grew up in New York, so he knows his way around. Percy, pick a place. Like, sight-seeing or a restaurant or something." 

And that's how they ended up here. The seven just finished hanging around in central park, simply goofing off and gossiping and acting like normal teenagers. Also like normal teenagers, they needed sustenance and ended up at Percy's favorite burger restaurant. 

It was 80s themed, with neon decorations and waiters and waitresses that glided around on skates. The speakers were blaring some weird, quirky disco song, and families all around them shouted at each other over tables. This was the most normal Percy felt since he was 12.

A waitress skated up to their table, auburn curls spilling gracefully over her pink uniform top. She had a bright, cheery smile and soft, flawless makeup. "Hi, I'm Coral and I'll be your server today! What... oh. w-what can I get started for you guys?" 

Her voice faded from bright to flustered, and she stumbled over her words. She glanced at Percy, before staring resolutely at her note pad. Weird. 

Beside him, Annabeth tensed, and someone snorted. Also weird. He decided not to dwell on it then, though, because Annabeth shifted, and he was hit with the comforting smell of her perfume, and he couldn't think of much else. 

Everyone told her want they wanted to drink, odd expressions on each of their faces as they spoke. His temporary calmness faded, and he was once again irritated. Percy felt like he was missing something, like there was some big practical joke hanging over his head that he couldn't quite reach. 

"I'll have a hot chocolate" he said once it finally got to him. The girl nodded enthusiastically before turning around and skating off without another word. As soon as she turned the corner, Leo busted into laughter. Annabeth rolled her eyes, huffing. Were they judging his choice in beverage? What's wrong with hot chocolate? 

Piper leaned to whisper something to Annabeth, and she flushed, frantically shaking her head in denial. Piper was so sure of whatever she said, though, and giggled to herself.  

"Oh my gods," Jason said, snorting. Percy sighed, frustrated and confused. 

"Am I missing something?" Immediately everyone turned to look at him. Leo started laughing even harder for some reason, and some of the others joined in.

"Honey," Piper said disbelieving, "You don't know?" 

Percy shook his head, and she put a hand to her mouth to hide her smile, even though her gleeful eyes gave her away. 

"It's so obvious," Jason said, "Even Leo got it!" Leo let out a hey! and Percy groaned in frustration. 

"No it's not!" 

He turned towards Annabeth as if expecting her to back him up, but she just shook her head and gave him an apologetic smile. She was still flushed, but now she looked more amused then annoyed or embarrassed. 

"This happens every time we go out," Annabeth admitted to her very entertained friends, "Every time, without fail. And he literally never notices." Although Percy was irritated that no one was explaining anything, he was momentarily distracted by Annabeth's pretty eyes until someone else spoke. 

"That's a different kind of oblivious," Jason snorted. Before Percy could defend himself, though, Coral skated back with a tray of drinks. 

"Here your drinks are!" She said, trying to force a customer service voice but failing miserably. She sent Percy a shy smile before she started distributing the drinks. Percy blinked but didn't comment. Annabeth huffed. 

When she got to Percy, though, she sent one glance at him and almost spilt the hot chocolate everywhere. Thanks to his demi-god reflexes, though, he was able to reach up and catch it, his hand overlapping one of hers for a split second before he set it on the table. Coral's whole face went fire-truck red. She was probably embarrassed for almost spilling something. 

"Be careful," Percy warned, "That's hot." Coral went impossibly redder, and Percy was afraid she was about to combust. She opened her mouth and closed it like a fish, like she was trying to find the courage to say something but couldn't. 

"He has a girlfriend." Annabeth said out of nowhere, grabbing Percy's hand and leveling the waitress with an unimpressed stare. Percy sent her a questioning glance but didn't say anything. 

Coral looked mortified, her hand flying to her mouth briefly before she looked at Annabeth apologetically. 

"Oh I didn't know!!! How stupid of me, of course he would have one when he looks like that... ah, I'm sorry!" The poor girl looked like she was about to die, and Annabeth took pity on her. 

"I'll take a basket of cheesy fries and the burger of the day," Annabeth changed the topic, and the waitress looked grateful, moving to scribble down everyone's orders before skating off. As soon as she was out of sight, everyone but Percy and Annabeth started cackling. Percy was confused, and Annabeth looked part smug, part annoyed, and part amused. She still hasn't let go of Percy's hand. 

"Did you see her face?" Hazel asked, struggling to contain her laughter. 

"Of course he would have a girlfriend looking like that." Leo said, imitating her voice, clasping his hands together, and batting his eyelashes. 

"This is what I have to deal with every time I leave camp with him." Annabeth sighed. 

"What?" Percy asked, growing more and more frustrated. Annabeth turned towards him, taking his other hand as well. 

"Percy, babe," She started. Percy knew the term of endearment was just a phrase she picked up from Piper, but it made him flush anyway. Someone giggled, and Percy chose to ignore them. "Coral was flirting with you. Remember that one blonde girl that worked at the movie theater? and the girl from the arcade? and your mom's neighbor's daughter? and all of those countless other girls?  Yeah, they were all flirting with you." She explained as if she was talking to a child. The more she talked, the lower Percy's jaw went, and the more their friends laughed. 

"Your joking," He said, and Annabeth shook her head, grinning. Percy fell silent, contemplating. Well, girls do tend to get giggly around him. And clumsy, and winky, and... oh. How had he not noticed? He studied Annabeth's beautiful face, flawless and smiling and practically glowing, and then he understood at once. 

"Oops," He said sheepishly, "Guess you're right. I was always too distracted by you to realize." Annabeth's whole face turned bright red, and Piper squealed. 

"You guys are gonna make my inner Aphrodite come out," she cooed. Coming from a girl who hated her heritage and actively tried to act different than her mother, that meant a lot. 

Annabeth smiled and leaned into Percy, which was surprising. Although it was normal for her to be outwardly affectionate towards him, she usually kept it behind closed doors, not at a restaurant. Percy wondered if she was jealous. Pushing the thought out of his head, he just decided to go with it and put his arm around Annabeth, unable to hide his goofy smile when she snuggled closer. Piper made a dying seal noise, but surprisingly didn't comment. 

The group continued to chat amongst themselves and eat their burgers. Coral came back to ask them about their food, and when she paused to regard them, Percy at first was nervous she would say something. Instead, much to his surprise, she smiled and said "You two look perfect for each other." 

Percy grinned. They really were perfect for each other. 

Note: I hope you guys know I was smiling writing this. I love the idea of Percy being so infatuated with her that he really only has eyes for her... and the idea of Piper calling everyone terms of endearment and the seven accidently copying each other's way of speaking. I know me and my friends do it a lot. Ah, I'm getting sidetracked! Thanks for reading! 

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