What's with Percy and blondes?

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Like most things, Percy did it completely by accident.

Him, the rest of the seven, Will, and Nico were sitting at one of the dining tables, deliberately ignoring Chiron’s disapproving looks. I mean come on, who cared about the you must sit with your cabin rule when they literally saved the world? The camp wouldn't even have these tables if it wasn't for them defeating Gaia.

So to distract himself from Chiron’s heavy gaze, Percy started studying the people around him. It didn't take long for something to catch his attention. A tall, blonde son of Aphrodite walked right past their table to sacrifice some of his food. He had the clearest blue eyes, flawless skin, and a killer jawline. Man, he was fit.

“What are you loo— oh, holy Hera.” Annabeth said, following Percy’s gaze. He wordlessly nodded in agreement.

“What are you looking at?” Hazel asked, confused.

“Ah, must be Aaron. I love Nico to death, but even I can appreciate a work of art.” Will said. Nico turned red, and Percy wasn't sure if it was frustration or embarrassment. Probably both. 

“Mood.” Annabeth said. Everyone at the table looked at the oblivious son of Aphrodite, varying expressions on their faces, before turning back towards each other. There was a beat of silence, before Frank made a small wait, seemingly coming to a realization.

“Okay, I get why Annabeth and Will were looking, but why were you, Percy?” He asked. “I mean it wasn't just because Annabeth was looking, because you were the first to notice him...”

“Same reason. He’s hot. Sorry, Annabeth.” Percy responded without thinking. Annabeth’s I get it was nearly inaudible under Leo’s loud “AYO?”

At once, all eyes turned to Percy as he processed what he just admitted. “Oh,” he said intelligently.

“Sorry,” Frank managed to apologize before Piper suddenly slammed her palms on the table, a proud gleam in her eyes.

“I freaking knew it! I saw the way you watched Jason when he was training.”

Jason, who previously did’nt seem that invested in the conversation, spat out his coca-cola all over his french fries. He turned towards Percy, a befuddled and slightly flattered expression on his face. “Bro?” he asked. The others laughed at him.

“My bad, dude. I couldn't help it.” Percy said sheepishly.

“Wait wait wait, you’re in love with Annabeth. Right? You can’t be gay.” Hazel asked, so innocently confused. Nico looked confused, too, and Percy was suddenly reminded that they both came from different times.

“I’m not, I’m bisexual. I like girls and guys.” He explained. He knew Nico wouldn't be weirded out because, y’know, he wasn't exactly straight either. But Percy couldn't help but be slightly nervous about how Hazel would take it. She grew up in a different time, after all. Luckily, though, she just nodded in understanding before going back to her food. She was really too kind for this world.

“Slay,” Will said seriously. Percy couldn't help but crack a smile at how straight-faced the other boy was.

The table fell into a comfortable silence, before Percy suddenly came to a very late realization and whipped his head around to look at Annabeth.

“You knew? I mean, Piper explained why she knew, but how did…?” He trailed off, staring at Annabeth through furrowed brows. She smiled at him, amused.

“Luke.” She offered. Percy groaned, plopping down against the table and burying himself in his arms. He could still clearly hear her delighted laugh. Man, leave it to Annabeth to get a kick out of embarrassing him.

“Luke?” Leo asked.

“This blonde son of Hermes with this big ol’ scar,” Nico explained, “He ended up betraying camp and siding with Kronos in the war before Gaia. Now that I think about it, it was pretty obvious that both Annabeth and Percy were crushing on him…” Nico trailed off, seemingly embarrassed that it’s taken him this long to realize. In his defense, he didn't really see the interactions between the two before they found out Luke was a bad guy. Still, the way they talked about him…

Percy sat back up briefly just to stick his tongue out at Annabeth. Now look who’s getting exposed. However, his emergence lasted only a few seconds before he dove right back down again when Leo said:

“Do you know what this made me realize? Percy has a thing for blondes.”

Note: I love Percabeth to death, but I head cannon him as Bi. Thanks for reading!! Mwah

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