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"Tell me about the others." he asked me after we had been in the elevator for over an hour. At some point we had sat down on the floor, but as I was only wearing a short skirt that kept riding up when I sat down and the elevator floor was quite cold, he had pulled me onto his lap, where he held me in his arms the whole time we were waiting, while he kept stroking my hair and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Ok... you'll get to know them all later anyway, because the hormones will soon kick in and you won't be able to stay away from me anymore." I said, laughing softly, before continuing.

"So where do I start?" I asked myself and he took my left hand and took off my rings, which covered everything.

"Finger by finger, I'd say," he suggested as he stroked my little finger.

"This is Yoongi's ring, he was the second mate I found, but we were friends for a few weeks before that. He helped me through a tough time and I was so happy that he was my mate. He's a music producer and likes to sleep a lot, he's also the second oldest and underneath his really handsome and sweet looks, he's probably hiding a very old, wise but totally perverted soul," I said with a grin and Joonie nodded as if he could picture it.

"My ring finger is still free, that's our last mate that's still missing. Then comes the middle finger, that belongs to Jungkook. Do you remember him? He used to come here with me a lot." I reminded him of Kookie and after a moment's thought he smiled.

"Yeah right, the cute one you always called bunny? The one you just decided was your mate way back when? That's really great that it came true." he said and stroked my index finger.

"Taehyung's ring... He came back with Kookie. I discovered him and Jungkook together as my mates. He loves to tease us and make us laugh, often seems carefree, yet he's the most vulnerable inside and always worries about all of us. And he's so damn hot... It's unbelievable, everyone is always getting hot over him." I smiled as I thought about Tae and Joonie watched my facial expressions closely, smiling along with me as if I was telling him the greatest stories.

Now he took my other hand.

"Hoseok... we study together and we met on the very first day. He's such a nice guy, he cheers you up really quickly, no matter how bad you're feeling and you can always rely on him. and then there's Jin, he was my first mate. He's so great, you'll love him... well actually everyone, but well Jin is special. He's one of the nicest people I've ever seen and he's funny and caring, sensitive and an incredibly good cook. You can't resist his charm." I finished my descriptions dreamily and Namjoon smiled at me enthusiastically.

"I can hardly wait to meet them all. If you talk about me with half as much love as you do about them, then I'll be the happiest man." he said as he pulled me a little closer to him.

"You're just as valuable to me as they are. You're my mate." I said to him lovingly, put a hand on his cheek and looked him in the eye. His intense gaze went through me and then I saw it flash in his eyes, he seemed to feel the effect I now had on him too. He slowly leaned towards me, staring at my lips as if hypnotized. My breathing became faster and faster as I too looked expectantly at his beautiful, full mouth. Then our lips met and I almost sighed with pleasure, I would die for this feeling. The loving kiss became more and more passionate and his grip on my waist tightened. We broke the kiss again and again, only to collide even more intimately when suddenly the elevator jolted again and started moving.

We briefly interrupted the kiss and I saw Namjoon's hungry gaze, which he didn't take from my eyes as he pressed the stop button and stopped the elevator again before his lips landed on mine again.

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