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When we had carried all the boxes in, I let myself fall onto Jin's bed, which would probably be mine too. Cuddling with him all night must have been heavenly, lying sheltered and protected in his strong arms and letting him warm me up as I was very cold. Smiling, I spread my arms out and ran my hand over the soft surface of the blanket. It had microfleece covers, just like I had at home... at my parents' house. This was my home now... with my mate. I sighed happily as I put his pillow on my face and breathed in his scent when I heard him laughing softly. I guess he had caught me acting strangely... Well, he'd better have been warned from the start what kind of crazy girl he'd got himself into. But I could also blame it on the mate hormones... they made you almost addicted to each other, so sniffing his pillow wasn't so far-fetched after all.

"Actually, I was going to suggest that you could have the guest room until we've known each other a little longer, but I think that would be a stupid question," he said with a grin as I shamefully put his pillow back in its place.

"Not a chance, you're not going to get rid of me now," I contradicted him immediately.

"I didn't want that either, I just thought you might feel more comfortable there." he quickly reassured me.

"Besides, I'd rather you slept here with me..." he admitted as he walked to the wardrobe and handed me one of his shirts before he started rummaging around in it to make room for my clothes.

"Go ahead and take a shower, I'll put your stuff away. There are towels on the shelves in the bathroom and everything you need in the shower." he told me and I was happy to let him do it, I would feel weird if I rearranged his wardrobe... You should wait a few weeks to do something like that until you've gradually taken up all the space in it.

By the time I got ready for the night and went back to the bedroom, he had already finished and changed. Jin went into the bathroom after me and while I waited for him, I got into bed and snuggled up under the covers. I almost fell asleep when I noticed the blanket being lifted and the mattress being lowered next to me. Immediately afterwards, I was pulled into a tight embrace, which made the bed even more cozy. I half sank into his arms as he was so much taller than me and had such broad shoulders. I happily closed my eyes and had drifted off before I could respond to his mumbled "Goodnight, baby."

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed, which made me sulk straight away. A glance at the alarm clock told me that it was already past 10 o'clock. I usually never slept that late, but sleeping in my mate's arms was different. It was just far too nice to get up, but now that he was no longer lying next to me, I decided to get up and look for him. I found him in the kitchen, standing at the stove, frying us eggs and bacon and swaying his hips to Shinee's Ring Ding Dong while he sang along loudly and used the wooden spoon as a microphone. With my hand over my mouth so he wouldn't hear my giggling, I stopped and watched his hip swing... yoah, not bad.

"So I give you 10/10 points for your performance." I said, amused and surprised, he turned around, trying to hide his wooden spoon microphone while he was still turning and smashing it into his face. It was getting harder and harder to suppress his laughter, but he quickly caught himself and had to laugh so that I could giggle along without feeling guilty. I quickly ran to him and wrapped my arms around his stomach.

"Next time, warn me that you're watching and I'll try harder," he said as he took the pan off the stove with me as his burr and distributed our food onto plates. However, he left them standing, because he paused with a smile and gave me a good cuddle, which made me sigh with relief. He was simply better than any teddy bear. After what felt like an eternity, we sat down at the table and had breakfast, and I loved watching him eat, he just stuffed everything into him, talked with his mouth full and always moaned when something tasted particularly good. He was such a cute eater, it was incredible.

"By the way, I looked on the internet earlier to see what it means if you have the rings on the wrong hand," he said, his mouth empty for once, and I looked at him curiously.

"No matter how many sites I looked at and forums I read, there was only one explanation everywhere as to why this is the case." he continued, looking at me seriously so that I held my breath and waited spellbound until he continued.

"You and I are not alone, we are part of a cluster and there is or there are more mates who belong to us."

Cluster (OT7xReader)Where stories live. Discover now