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My chopsticks almost fell out of my hand and I stared at him open-mouthed.

"We're not a normal mates couple? Someone else is joining us? And what's a cluster?" I asked, confused, because I'd never heard of it before.

"Since our rings are on the right hand and mates' rings are always distributed on the fingers of the left hand first, excluding the thumb, we can assume that at least four people are still missing. I had already wondered why the feeling of perfection was missing. That would also explain why we react so extremely to each other, because the bonds within a cluster are apparently stronger. Clusters are polypairs, with more than two mates. They are all mates with each other and they are extremely rare, only happening every few generations," he explained to me as I listened spellbound and even forgot to eat.

"How do you know all this?" I asked and only noticed in passing how he stole a piece of bacon from my plate.

"I looked it all up while you were still asleep. It's not what I expected from my maternity connection, but I'm also curious to see how it's all going to work. At the moment, I couldn't imagine feeling the same way about someone else as I do about you..." he said and I nodded in agreement.

"Well, you alone would be enough for me, even if the feeling of perfection is missing, it's not like I desperately need it. It scares me a little... what if someone comes along who doesn't get on with one of us or we all fight and we're supposed to love more than one person? Won't we get jealous then?" I thought worriedly and looked at him questioningly.

"Apparently it's supposed to be the case that we all love each other equally and there shouldn't be any jealousy or hardly any, because we're still in a relationship with each other, all together. Every single particle together with the others makes up the cluster and only together are you complete. I don't know, it's supposed to work, but that's beyond me too," he replied with a sigh.

"What should we do now? Do we have to look for the others now?" I asked uncertainly and he raised his shoulders.

"I'd say we leave everything as it is and if we have to find the others, we'll find them without actively looking. And until then, we'll just enjoy our time together." he suggested with a smile and I nodded in agreement.

After breakfast, my mother called and asked if our rings were golden yet. She was slightly disappointed when I said no, but then told me that our dinner together had to be postponed because she and my father had decided to go on a spontaneous vacation for two now that they were alone. That was fine with me, because I didn't really fancy an evening with these crazy people who called themselves my parents.

Then I saw that Yoongi had written to let me know that he was back home and I showed Jin the message.

"We're free today, my parents just canceled," I told him and saw him smiling happily.

"Well, let's invite him then." he asked me excitedly, and I called him straight away. It would certainly be a great evening.

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