The twins squeeze past their mother into the living room to the right of them, across the stairs, their mother pointing toward her eldest daughter with a stern, yet loving tone, "Don't forget dishes, it's your night for chores."

Lily nods, understanding the importance of helping her mother despite her own wishes. "Of course, mom. Can I go upstairs?"

With a smile, reaching over to press a kiss to her daughter's face. "Yes, and thanks for asking. Glad to see you finding hobbies again. Love ya', Lil'."

With another nod, a quick "I love you, too" back to her mom, and a swift push of the feet, Ililah runs up the stairs, finally meeting the end this time. She passes the bathroom and her siblings' rooms before opening her bedroom door, the wood covered in stickers. Her eyes glazed with happy relief over the deathcore band posters and anatomy graphs hung on her walls. She takes a quick glance in the mirror at her dyed-black bob, thick eyeliner, and the dark clothes draping her entire body. She quickly pulls off her chains and rings and puts them in their proper holding places on her dresser before sliding into the computer chair directly behind her.

She takes one more moment to rest and presses the back of her head into the cushion of the backrest, reminding herself to make her bed tomorrow and ignoring the dark bedsheets and pillows strewn about the mattress top. With a sigh she turns to her computer, booting it up and glazing over the crystals, pendants, and small animal bones, found on her hikes with her friends, that stood decoratively on her desk top.

The screen lit up and immediately opened to her chat page, the red notification blip dinging with five missed messages. A groan escapes her and she begins to read, her friends asking her where she was and what was taking so long. She goes to message back but notices them all on a call together and pulls her headphones on before joining, the blip signaling that her microphone has connected.

"Well, well, well," Devin, whose voice was rough and stern, spoke as soon as she entered. "Look who finally decided to show up."

"Shut the hell up, I was talking to my mom." She rolls her eyes and begins opening tabs– 9 of them, to be exact, one for each player and documents needed to keep the story rolling. Her brain begins to relax and sink into its comfort zone, chuckling as she pulls out a set of dice in a small chest.

"That's stupid, moms are for hoes," Devin says, pushing the subject with no hesitation.

Chris begins to laugh, "Okay guys, if we keep this up the bit will be too strong. Let's not get distracted."

Lily scopes through the call list again, suddenly confused. "Where are Wess and Shay?"

"Had to work. They were wondering if you could catch them up tonight." Devin huffs, and the sound of rattling papers can be heard buzzing through her headphones. She adjusts them, turning down the volume. "So what's going on here? I need a story recap, I can't remember shit.."

Lily, sitting back once her station and 'tools' are ready, crosses her legs in her chair. Her brain ached for a moment– splitting the party would be hard work, but she figured she could make something happen, with an hour or two to prepare as soon as dinner was finished.

"So the world I'm taking you to is one not very much unlike our own." Her fingertips touch, elbows on the armrests of the chair in a slightly maniacal pose (the thought makes her chuckle, a smirk growing on the left side of her mouth). "In this world, Vampires and Werewolves exist, alongside gnomes, small fae creatures, and half-dead, contracted thralls who serve their Vampire masters. They were created by man, as it is said that such abominations would never be created by God himself."

Chris, who undeniably, from the tone of his voice, was sitting on the edge of his seat, "Do tell."

"It is said by the local folk that witches of many varieties lived all across the world during older medieval ages, and whilst Native Americans and early tribes were able to possess magic given by patron Gods, those in Europe had to turn to more materialistic magical methods; like using herbs to make potions, spells written by scholars alongside rituals to call upon Gods that will not claim them. You know, the basic Warlock and Sorcerer." She clears her throat, "Honestly, the tale of the supernaturals –which will be referred to as 'Un' in the game– is a sad one. It is theorized they were created during the French and Indian War, as both sides struggled and looked for any means to win their shaman and warlocks would desperately attempt to use magical methods of creating invincible soldiers.

"Natives to America are said to have created werewolves through long dances and prayers to the Gods upon the bodies of their fallen men, with days process before the undead man would awaken as a beast with the first full moon a week after the ritual is finished. For the European side, they practically did the same thing, although they used herbal potions mixed with the blood of many men during a long-lost mummification process– encasing the body in riches and gauze and dropping them into a hole–"

"Jesus Christ Lily must everything you do be so edgy?"

She doesn't answer, grinning as she continues, "And dropping them into a hole in the ground inside of a coffin. Some people say it was deliberate, and others say it was pure accident. Through breeding other races formed, but not every creature has an origin story that begins with sex.

"In this world, the Dread is a disease. A parasite that eats away at your brain and turns you into a monster. The public only knows of it as a disease, and has no idea that Quarantine Zones exist– which is where these ugly beasts are stored to keep civilization safe-"

"What do the monsters look like?" Devin asks.

"They're called Dreaded," She says, "And they... kind of look like the Venom symbiote, but with zombie-like qualities."

"Oh, lovely." Chris chimes in, sighing. "Anything else?"

She nods, before kicking herself mentally for the fact that they could not see her. "The Vatican, as you two already know, is, while being a city, also an organization to hunt down and capture Unbeings. It stands for "Vanguard Abnormality Taskforce for Infiltrating and Capturing Amorphous Nonhumans". Most of them are used for enslavement while caught, although almost 80% of them are simply executed. Think of The Vatican as the "Supernatural Police", but imagine them as Hitler for Humans."

"Well, that took a dark turn."

Lily pulls up her own character sheet, pushing back her short hair and tucking bangs behind her ears. "The story I wrote is also a bit confusing. I created a character as a bit of a guide to you. Plus I need to give you a short story in her perspective before we can continue with your bit. Just so I know you understand what's going on."

"But won't that be boring?" Devin asks, "I mean it's your game, have fun with it. Just don't give us all of the answers."

She laughs, "Oh trust me, I won't. Introduce me to your characters?"

Devin begins first, the rattling of papers beginning once again, and clearing his throat before reading. "My character is named Dr. Edward Godfrey. He is a member of The Vatican who went rogue, although he is dangerous on his own enough that they still work with him under his terms. He's a mad scientist who seeks to cure humans of their mortality and dresses like a plague doctor."

"And you guys say I'm the dark one." She laughs, "I love it. Chris? Your character?"

"Gladly," He replies, "I'm playing a thrall– a ghul, whatever they're called." Soft clicking noises can be heard as he takes a moment before continuing. "I'm honestly not sure where to start off with him, but I wanted to have that 'gunslinger' vibe going on if that's alright."

Lily thinks for a moment, "I have the perfect plan for that. Are you guys ready to begin?'

They both agree and, with glee in her tone and butterflies circling her excited stomach, she begins to weave her tale...

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