Chapter 21: Final business before Business

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Guard walked the busy streets blankly. He wore the hood of a borrowed designer sweatshirt up to hide his noticeable white hair. He especially wanted to be cautious since his appearance on Orionna’s message. Many knew of him beforehand, his unusual appearance struck even Meridak’s interest when he was a young orphan.

He sensed around to see if anyone was magically inclined at all. Only the churning of the mud gave him any movement. He sighed dismally as he leaned on a railing overlooking a section below. Had she died? Was that the last time he would ever see her? He frowned, wondering why the Great One had taken two of his friends so prematurely, but His wisdom was greater than his own. Guard felt comfort knowing whatever happened was because it was perfectly planned.

“She at least repented before passing,” he nodded, “We’ll meet again in the next life with the Great One, I guess.”

A deep tightness filled his throat as he concluded his thoughts. His grief still struck him at times. Gripping the railing tight, he promised, “Armeste you will be judged for your crimes as Nevar shall be.”
He knew the man had made frequent visits to Sirakui lately since the Elites had left. His loyal Nariasen shot him rushed information the best they could before being caught. The Tribrinkian troops were too alert, even taking their very homes over as they were forced to serve them. It had been extremely difficult on Narias since the unwanted take-over. He had to help them, soon his chance was coming. Orionna was more than willing to cease this atrocity when she took control. It helped that both the Queen and himself followed the Great One’s justice driven fairness. They both ruled nobly, dictated by good wisdom and kindness.

Some hand brushed his back as he swung around carefully. He knew enough attack magic reflexively to damage a City. He floated up and on the railing fluidly as he stared down his assailant. Onlookers gawked in wonder how the man unnaturally moved and balanced so easily on the thin railing. Below his feet, glowing ripples pooled hypnotically.

“Order!” he beamed as he was right down again and lifted her up in an enthusiastic hug.

She stammered and blushed a red so deep even roses seemed pale. He let her down happily as he gleefully responded, “I am so glad you guys made it. I couldn’t spot your magics, I do now!”

He wiped his face, disbelieving she stood before him. She remained reserved a poised after recollecting herself from being twirled around by the ecstatic Sanction Leader. A warmth grew inside her from the thought of him so happy to see her well. At least one person in the world felt that way about a measly copy like herself.

Clearing her throat, she dutifully reported, “Yes, because of you, we managed on the very last train. Both Secondaries Raige and myself owe you our lives.”

She bowed deeply as his gaze studied her intently. Continuing on, she informed, “I heard the Queen’s message today, I did try to persuade my sister’s in the palace lab, explaining the Great One before coming to Hiesu. Please don’t be upset Master that I went there on the way, I had to warn the younger ones because Nevar keeps them shattered. I love them very much. I did risk having a confrontation with Nevar, but strangely, nothing happened.”

“How did that go speaking to them? You look a bit upset talking about it. Perhaps the reason you moved about incognito was from my seal. The Great One’s bestowed power upon me is greater than Nevar’s power,” Guard nodded knowingly. At times, he exuded some strange sort of confidence about things that soothed her. Something perhaps that the Great One instilled in him as a mighty mentor to guide the weaker people.

“Some are waiting. However, many have rejected my words. I fear for the worse, but I have said all I could to them,” she whispered delicately. She recalled the older ones with their hateful shouts and mocking. She never anticipated it leading to them yanking her hair and kicking her down. It hurt worse because it came from her sisters. Why were they so rueful over a message of peace?

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