Part 2 ~ Ch 3 - Destruction

Start from the beginning

Viggo was the reason he almost lost Astrid, and he was NOT going to let that slide. "Viggo! Come here and fight me like a man!" Hiccup yelled across the ship. Being the most skillful warrior in the archipelago had its advantages as the emperor killed anyone who didn't jump overboard at the sight of him.

Eventually, it was just the dragon master and the remaining Grimborn brother.

~ Astrid ~

Once Astrid had made sure her son was out of harms way, she flew back to the main island of Einvald to find it burning, but what surprised her was the flying ships destroying it all. She scanned everything until her eyes locked on that son of a bitch, Johann, who stabbed her husband.

"C'mon Stormfly, lets go kill some people." Astrid sped through the arrows and fire until she landed on the ship that Johann was directing. "Well if it isn't the Dragon Mistress." He said mockingly. "I was hoping I would see you again. You have always been beautiful haven't you. Maybe we could fly to my island and get comfy." Astrid scowled at his lustful remark.

She charged right at him knowing no one could touch her in this color of rage. Her battle ax finally clashed with Johann's daggers. He was stronger than he looked but Astrid could take him

~ Stoick ~

After everything that has happened in his life, the Berkian chief was prepared to go to Valhalla knowing how capable his son is. Riding the Thunderdrum that he bonded with and named Thornado, he flew straight to Grimmel. He had heard what the infamous dragon trapper was capable of and thought him to be a good match.

Stoick let out his battle cry and charged at the tall, skinny man. The cheif quickly realized that Grimmel was a very skilled swordsman. Finally having met an even match, Stoick and Grimmel fought to the death.

On the other ship, Hiccup was gracefully dodging the angry Viggo who was only Hiccup's equal intellectually. The emperor and Viggo danced throughout the flying ship until Hiccup released zippleback gas throughout the entire lower deck. He then threw his flaming sword in the gas blowing up the whole ship.

Viggo's ship was falling fast and Hiccup couldn't find his Monsterous nightmare. The ship finally touched the ground and blew up with everything in it. Since Hiccup had fireproof armor, he wasn't terribly hurt.

With his face covered in soot, the dragon master limped throughout the carcasses and debris until he found a wrangled body he assumed to be Viggo's. With a sarcastic chuckle he found his sword not to far away and cut off Viggo's head for hurting his wife and for being alive in general.

Hiccup looked around at his burnt empire and just prayed that Astrid was ok. Suddenly more ships started to dock and they did not look friendly. Grimmel really went all out. Hiccup was now fighting on land and him and his soldiers were losing. The ships just kept coming with more of Grimmel's men


Back on Johann's boat, Astrid and Heather had taken care of most of the dragon trappers when suddenly Viggo's ship started spiraling out of control until it hit the ground and blew up. This startled everyone but it scared Astrid the most because Hiccup was on that boat.

Taking this moment of opportunity, Johann tackled Astrid to the ground with a blade at her neck. She couldn't get out of his grasp and he was pushing harder and harder on her neck. "You get distracted so easily. You should be more careful." Johann smirked.

While Johann was talking, Astrid grabbed a fallen dagger from one of the dead men and plunged it into Johann's side. Johann screamed but wasn't dead. "You think a little dagger will stop me? I have survived the great dragon master, so I think I can deal with you." Astrid rolled her eyes, "I just needed to weaken you so I could do this!"

Astrid ran straight to him with her ax above her head. After many blows, Astrid noticed that Johann was getting tired, she used that opportunity to parry his hit and then dig her ax into his side.

"Thats for betraying Hiccup!" She then lifted her ax with all of her might and landed a blow right through his stomach, "And thats for everything else!" She yelled as blood splattered over her face.

Astrid and Heather decided to cut all of the ropes that were attached to the dragons that were keeping the ship aftoat. It eventually started spinning to the ground and all of the dragon riders on the ship flew off right before it hit the ground and exploded just like Viggo's ship.

Things on land weren't looking too good. Astrid looked around and the whole village was burnt to a crisp and Grimmal's men were rampaging through the island. It felt like everything that Astrid and Hiccup had built was being taken.

Her eyes suddenly locked on her husband easily fighting off the dragon trappers so she went over to help him. "Astrid!" he yelled through the noise of battle, "I have a plan!"

She ran over to him, fighting through anything in between her and Hiccup. Once they were in range, she launched herself in his arms knowing everything would be ok. "Astrid, I need to defeat Grimmel. He is controlling those dragons." Astrid looked confused, "How?"

Hiccup pointed at one of Grimmel's dragons, "See that liquid attached to their collars? Those are heavily drugged and Grimmel is the one who has ahold of the drugs." Astrid nodded in understanding, "I see. I'm going up with you and we will kill him."

Hiccup nodded and they both hopped on Stormfly to Grimmal's flying boat. When they landed, everything was chaotic. There was people on both sides screaming in pain and/or fighting. Hiccup and Astrid ran straight to the top deck where Grimmal stood, laughing?

Thats when Hiccup saw the giant bloodied body laying on the ground. "Dad!" Hiccup screamed through the turmoil. He ran to his father's lifeless body looking to see if there was anything that showed he could still be alive.

He checked his pulse and there was none. Hiccup felt completely numb as he stood up and destroyed anything in his path between him and Grimmel. Grimmel, however, knew this was coming and took the next best thing to stop the angry dragon master from killing him.

"Stop right there or your precious wife dies." Grimmel smirked. Hiccup looked over and his heart dropped as he saw his wife struggling in the arms of two men with a sword to her neck. "Drop your sword."

Hiccup immediately did as he was told to avoid harm from coming to Astrid. "No! Hiccup dont do it!" Astrid yelled to him through her struggles. Hiccup just kept his eyes locked on Grimmel. "Now" the gray haired man said calmly, "kneel".

The emperor very reluctantly got to his knees, his eyes still trained on Grimmel. Astrid knew where this was going and she couldn't do anything to stop it, "Hiccup! Listen to me... it's ok." She said through tears and gritted teeth.

Hiccup wouldn't dare let anything happen to his wife and unborn child so he made a deal with Grimmel. "I will let you have me." he said softly, "if you let my wife go." He could hear Astrid's screams telling him to stop but he had no choice.

All of Hiccup's men stopped what they were doing in fear for their leaders lives. "Hm what an odd predicament we have here." Grimmel chuckled as he circled Hiccup. "You are saying I can do anything I want with you?" Hiccup closed his eyes, "Yes"

Grimmel laughed, "It is a deal then!" He grabbed his sword and swiftly plunged his sword into Hiccup's gut. "NOOOO!" Astrid screamed with her hoarse voice. Hiccup fell to the ground but Grimmel's men didn't let her go.

"Take them both. I want to have some fun with these two." Grimmel told his guards. "YOU MADE A DEAL!" the tear stricken Astrid yelled at him. "Haha my dear, we never shook hands." Grimmel smirked.

And with that, the dying unconcious Hiccup and screaming Astrid were taken away on Grimmels hidden hot air balloon pulled by more of his dragons. Hiccup's men couldn't do anything about it since Grimmel could kill their leaders right on the spot.


Once Grimmel left, not caring for his two fallen ships and comrades, the island was already burnt to a crisp. With the remaining soldiers, Eret stood infront of them all. "We must regroup in order to save our Emperor and Empress. Hiccup doesn't have much time and neither does Astrid. As next in command I say that we head to our next largest island and gather supplies. Do not lose hope. Our leader is strong."

The last of the men nodded as they got on their dragons to make plans to save their leaders.

Fate is a tricky one ~ HTTYD RUNAWAYWhere stories live. Discover now