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Everyone was panicking. Sammy had collapsed and was fading in and out of consciousness.

"Somebody get bandages!" Darius yelled, frantically looking around for them.

"Guys..." Kenji said, nervously eyeing the blood soaking Sammy's shirt.

"Sammy!" Yaz yelled, kneeling to Sammy's side.

I kneeled beside her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Even though I seemed calm, I was freaking out on the inside. Right now, Sammy was on death's doorstep, deaf to the warnings, and blind to the signs.

"Guys, the quills are poisonous," Brooklynn said, going to Sammy's other side holding bandages, "We've got to take them out." Yaz and I nodded as we each grabbed one of the quills.

"Sorry Sammy, this is going to hurt," I said before we all pulled the quills out.

Sammy yelled in pain, which made my ears want to bleed. Seeing your friend in pain like this, and knowing you can't do anything, was the worse kind of torture.

Brooklynn lifted up Sammy's shirt, to see her wound swollen and turning an ugly green purple color. She quickly wrapped the bandages around Sammy's waist, hoping to stop the bleeding.

"Keep pressure on the wound so it's forms a clot. That will stop the bleeding," I informed, remembering what they taught us in military school.

Brooklynn nodded and applied pressure on Sammy's wound.

"Sammy? Sammy!" Yaz yelled as Sammy blacked out. Kenji put a pillow under Sammy's head to support her.

Sammy's skin gained a yellow and green tint as she shivered, her face distorted in discomfort.

"Taking out the quills wasn't enough. The venom is already in her system," Brooklynn informed.

I scanned my memory, trying to remember how to treat certain poisonous animal bites. Diamond back rattlesnakes... no... Cottonmouth... no... Box jellyfish, no. Something clicked. Scorpius Rex... a certain type of fish.

"The Scorpius Rex must have Scorpionfish DNA in it," I realized. Everyone looked at me.

"Are you sure?" Ben asked. I nodded. "I'm certain," I answered, "I only seen them through images on Google, but the quills looked identical to the Scorpius Rex's."

"Well, now that we know a little more, we need an antidote," Darius pointed out.

"Oh yeah, an 'antidote'. Yeah that will be easy to find for a dinosaur that no one even knew existed," Kenji said sarcastically.

"Maybe the medical station has something?" Ben suggested.

"Doubt it," Brooklynn said, shaking her head.

"Well, Wu must have made something for it. He may be an idiot, but he's not stupid," I said.

Brooklynn then gasped as she remembered something. "The video in Dr. Wu's lab. The Scorpius attacked him. They have some sort of shot from a red vile. I'm pretty sure-"

Yaz ran up to Brooklynn and grabbed her by the shoulders, cutting her off. "Where is this lab?"

Brooklynn pulled out a map and handed it to Yaz. "Near the raptor paddock," she answered.

"Take care of Sammy while I'm gone," Yaz said, running towards the gate.

"Yaz! Take this!" I yelled, tossing her a baseball bat. She caught in mid air and thanked me, determination on her face. Yaz then ran off into the forest.

"This is nuts! She can't outrun that thing," Ben pointed out.

"We have to help her somehow," Brooklynn said.

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