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"You are going to love this camp Chris," my mom said, handing me my bag, "and I will be working with the security team there so when I get the time I will come and visit you." I pushed a piece of my raven blue out of my face. "Got it," I said, grabbing my bag.

My name is Chris Guenva-Malagkzai. I'm thirteen and Pakistani and Mexican. My parents are both in the military. Well, my mom was until she got a job on the security team at Jurassic World. I was going with her and staying at Camp Cretaceous with six other kids while my dad was stationed in Afghanistan. You could only guess why.

I was wearing blue jean shorts with black Converse, a white tank top and a red and black jacket that was a little big for me and black headphones around my neck with a nose piercing. I had raven blue hair with black stripes woven into two French braids. I am a bit of a dinosaur nerd. Well, it's one percent dinosaurs and ninety-nine percent unwanted Star Wars information. I have a shark bite scar on my thigh from an incident in Hawaii over a year ago.

I gave my mom a hug, smelling the scent of milky tea and flowers one last time before I got on the ferry.

I got of the boat and stepped onto the deck. I looked around and saw four other kids with the counselor. That must be Camp Cretaceous, I thought. I walked over to the group and saw another losing kid his lunch. I walked over to the rest of the group and put my black headphones around my neck. There's always time for Lincoln Park and Iggy Azalea later, I thought.

"Welcome to Isla Nublar campers," the counselor said, "you are the selected few, the first out of the entire world, to ever experience the awesomeness that is Camp Cretaceous. Now I know that the ferry ride was rough on someone you, hello Ben." The kid named Ben managed to give a thumbs up before hurling again over the side of the dock. "But you made it," he said enthusiastically, "I am Dave, head counselor, that right, you heard me correctly, head honcho, big shot."

While Dave was thinking of other words to use, we heard an engine sound behind us. We turned around and a Jeep with the Camp Cretaceous insignia on its doors pulled up near us and a women stepped out, she had the same outfit as Dave minus the yellow headband. "Oh so sorry I'm late, welcome campers," she said, "I'm Roxie, head counselor of Camp Cretaceous." The others looked at Dave confused while I had a smirk on my face and raised an eyebrow.

"Well," he said, "It's more like a co head counselor." He laughed nervously.

"Is it?" Roxie questioned pointedly. I giggled.

"Now," Dave said, "Some of you won competitions to get here, others got VIP invites, but for the next two weeks you all will be getting the five star treatment." A girl with pink hair panned her phone around to get a good shot of us.

"Here we've lined up some bonus behind the scenes action of Jurassic World," Roxie explained, "as well as rock climbing, kayaking, ziplining, obstacle courses and of course... " Roxie was cut off when me and another kid said in sync, "Dinosaurs?!" We side eyed each other and smiled nervously. "Yes," Roxie glanced at her clipboard, "Darius and Chris, plenty of dinosaurs, so ready for an adventure."

"Absolutely," pink head said, "but I'm gonna need that speech just a little shorter and lean into the majesty of this place." I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

Both Dave and Roxie had confused looks on their faces. "Alright, we're going now," Dave said, "Let's get the seven if you to camp."

"Um sorry but there are six of us," Ben said.

Dave looked at us muttering nicknames, "Dino Nerd, snippy, track star, Texan, barfy, internet girl, he's right, where's number seven." So mine was snippy? Kinda figured. Roxie looked at the clipboard again before groaning.

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