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I figured this song could be the campers theme. Anyway, onwards with the book
I opened my eyes and clutched my head. I removed my hand to see it covered in blood. I felt a small gash of the side of my head and it was dripping blood.

"Is everyone okay?" Darius asked.

"Is everyone....." Yaz chuckled sarcastically before getting out of the van and slamming the door.

"Yaz wait!" Sammy yelled. She got out of the van a ran after her while the rest of us got out of the van.

"We're not okay! We're in the middle of the jungle with a monstrous dinosaur out there and you... you..." Yaz yelled while glaring at Sammy.

"Destroyed out only way to call for help and lied about it! I told you guys!" Brooklynn yelled.

"So you did take Brooklynn's phone? Why? What were you doing?" Darius asked. We all turned to Sammy, waiting for an answer.

"Probably trying to erase that video of her taking the Sinoceratops samples. And you knew about the Indominus Rex because you were snooping around Dr. Wu's office when I ran into you. I knew it!" Brooklynn shouted.

"I didn't mean to destroy the phone! I fell on it when the zipline came down and-" Sammy tried defending herself.

"But you did steal it?" Ben cut her off, "You had it this whole time and didn't tell us?"

"Hold up. Brooklynn what were you doing in Dr. Wu's office?" Darius questioned Brooklynn.

"I-it doesn't matter. I didn't break our only way to call for helpand then lied about it! This is not my fault! She-"

"I'm here to spy!" Sammy cut Brooklynn off, "For a company called Mantah Corp."

"Mantah Corp? They're a bioengineering company. Big rivials with Masrani. They tries to make dinosaurs to but Wu beat them to it," Darius explained. Oh, so, we're all going to die because of some company. What a fun way to go out.

"You doomed us for some lousy company?" Ben asked.

"Our ranch was in trouble so my folks had to borrow a lot of money from some... shady people. We had no idea they were fronting for Mantah Corp. They said we'd lose everything unless I spied for them. Use the behind the scenes access I'd get at camp to gather info from Wu's lab and DNA from dinos and whatever else they needed. But the Brooklynn caught on and I got scared and then everything just went wrong," Sammy explained before turning to Yaz, "This is the last thing I wanted to happen."

"What, you mean stuck by a broken van on killer dinosaur island? Hey, me too what are the odds," Yaz sarcastically scoffed.

"Yaz I-" Sammy tried to say something but Yaz cut her off.

"Was it all just a lie, wanting to be friends? Pretending you cared? You just needed someone to hide what you were doing. Tell me I'm wrong," Yaz said. Sammy stayed quiet while tears ran down her face. "I'm such an idiot," Yaz muttered while walking off.

"You're wrong! I just didn't how to say it, how to explain to you. Just because I spied doesn't change who I am," Sammy exclaimed. She tried putting a hand on Yaz's shoulder but Yaz jerked her shoulder to shake Sammy's hand off. "Don't touch me!" Yaz snapped, "Go away Sammy." Yaz walked farther away while Sammy ran the opposite way, crying.

"Look I know the situation we're in is suboptimal-"

"It's trash," Brooklynn cut Ben off, "Just say it's trash, Ben."

"Yes but despite the obvious trashitude... we... we need to- Bumby what are you..." Ben tried speaking but Bumby kept cutting him off by squealing.

The I-rex burst through the trees. We all fell back, screaming in fear and trying to get out of the way. But the I-rex ran right past us. A helicopter flew over head and started shooting at the I-rex.

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