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I exhaled a breath as I swirled around the water. I had found this spot on Isla Nublar that was incredible. Bioluminescent alage covered the walls of the cave, glowing teal and bleu. As I waded my hand through the water, teal waves were created.

I would always come here when my anxiety got really bad, which it did. My legs buckled and my hands went numb. But this... this place always calmed me down.

I took off my Converse and splashed my feet into the water. The cold liquid brought relief to my aching feet. I laid on my back, staring at the bioluminescent alage.

I started thinking about some things. The camp fam, Darius, and my familia.

I really did miss my familia. Mainly on my dad's side. I missed my Tías. I missed my cousins. But I mainly missed my abuela's cooking. I missed her tamales, her chile en Nogada, and her chilaquiles. My mouth watered at the thought.

I them started thinking about Darius, and last night. Did he really mean what he said? My heart pinged at the thought of Darius killing himself. I get the conditions are bad right now, but we can pull through and get home. Also, we all need him. I need him. He knows I already lost someone, and I can't lose anyone else.

Hell, I might have already lost someone else.


She had to deal with the I-rex when it escaped, and I don't know if she made it out alive. Or she did, and probably thought I died. Mami would be miserable with both her children gone, and her husband away for war.

My thoughts then dwelled onto Papa. Was he alive? He knows I came to Camp Cretaceous, but did he know about the downfall of Jurassic World? Or was he fighting a battle right now, face to face with the Taliban?

Tears pricked my eyes. All those people I cared for, had or have a high chance of dying.

I laid there for a few more minutes, before sitting up to leave. I dried my feet off with the towel I brought from camp and slipped my shoes back on. I lifted up my hood, grabbed my bow, and walked out the cave.

Leia was there waiting for me. I smiled and rubbed her neck. I hopped on her back and we flew off. "Careful girl," I warned, "Winds are getting strong." Leia sqwuaked.

We finally arrived back at camp to see everyone running around. I patted Leia's neck before shoving my hands in my coat pockets and walking into camp.

"What's going on?" I asked. Darius shot his head up and a wave of relief came over his face. "Chris, you're okay," he said. I sent him a confused look. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. "There's another hybrid," Brooklynn answered. She still had her jacket around her waist and her hair wasn't in its usual bun, but in a half up half down ponytail.

"What?" I asked. "Dr. Wu made another hybrid dinosaur, the Scorpius Rex. But this one is ten times crazier then the Indominus," Brooklynn answered.

I groaned. "What is with that doctor dude and making hybrids?" I asked, face-palming.

Yaz came running back, panting. "Yaz, why aren't you at the boat?" Kenji asked.

"The water is way too unstable to cast off. Boat's already taking on water. No way we're leaving until the sea calms down," Yaz explained.

"So, we're stuck here, with the Scorpius?" Sammy asked.

"Avoiding killer dinos is kinda our thing," Kenji said, trying to be optimistic.

"Not like this killer dino," Brooklynn pointed out.

"We've only survived this long because we know how dinosaurs are supposed to act. With the Scorpius Rex on rampage, all bets are off. Soon... survival will be impossible," Darius explained.

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