Twenty minutes later we sat down at the table and ate our meal. Sofia could eat on her own, I just needed to watch and make sure everything got down. When we were done with dinner, I started the TV for her while doing the dishes. As soon as I was done, I sat down next to her.

"When we are done with this program, we can get you ready for bed. After you are ready, we can continue watching some TV" I explained. Sofia had no sense of time, and I could not tell her five more minutes because she wouldn't understand when does minutes were up. I chose to use a task being done instead. I found that she reacted better to that then to time. "Okay" she responded, totally focused on the TV in front of her.

When the time was up, we headed into the bathroom to take a bath, go to the toilet, brush her teeth and then change into pyjamas. It took me half an hour to get her ready, and now there was only thirty minutes until she needed to be in bed. I explained how everything was going to go and an hour later she was soundly asleep while I watched something on the TV.

How did the meeting go?

It went well

I'm glad!

Want to come over for a movie?

I would love that, but I'm babysitting my niece

Maybe some other day then

How do you feel about tomorrow?

If you're not too tired from training

I would love that

My place or yours?



And you love that

Maybe I do

I fell asleep watching TV that night. Luckily, my alarm was set, so I woke up in time. I left their house quickly to go back home and get changed for training.

When I got back home, I was insanely tired from the day. We had been doing long laps at a high speed for a long time. Of course, I was tired. I would drive myself to Alexia later that night and had a chance to write another letter.

Dear mom
I have missed you a lot. I played in the U-20 World Championships this summer. We managed to get to the final but lost it there. Going back home with a silver was defeating, we all had fought so hard, and we wanted to win so badly. Dani came and watched several games along with Marcus. Felix even spent a couple of days there with Maria and Alicia. It was great to have their support, but I missed having you there, cheering me on.

I still don't speak to dad. He made an appearance at Felix's place when I was there, but I could not face him. I left without talking to you, which I regret.

Alexia and I have grown tighter. We went on a day a couple of days ago, and tonight I am going to her place again. She came and watched two of my games, and I really love having her there. Whenever I spend time with her, I feel incredibly safe and love, which is strange since we have not made anything official yet. I think you would have liked her, she is thoughtful, kind, and an incredible football player. If you were here, I would have spent hours talking about her to you. I know how much you loved our conversations, and I loved them just as much. Even if I didn't always show it.

I still hate how I acted in the end. It scared me to see you so weak, and whenever I saw you, it was a reminder that I would soon be losing you. You are one of the strongest people I have ever know, and no one will be able to replace you.

Thank you for doing your absolute best with me.

Love Elisa García
1st of September 2018

I felt tears filling my eyes. It sucked to not have my mom here, and with my dad being the person he was I was not going to let him back into my life. You need to pull yourself together Isa. Deep breaths and focused eyes.

After writing the letter I headed to Alexia. My outfit was not pretty, a pair of sweatpants and a shirt with long sleeves. No makeup covered my face, only concealer covered the marks Alexia had left. 


Filler chapter guys!!

Can we get 30 votes for the next chapter?


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