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Oh...that's right. 

It all came flooding back to you. The LOV had attacked UA countless and left the school in serious need for some new teachers.

However...these heroes they'd hired in such a rush were no heroes at all.

Eraserhead, Present Mic, Cementos, Midnight, and so on...they may have been heroes to the public eye, but underneath, they were villains on a mission.

Every lesson at UA was filled with crimes and brutality. We all had to frequent visits to Recovery Girl.

We fought each other almost constantly and each of us developed a love for violence. But our favorite moments were when we got to fight other classes. 

Our teammates would hunt the other classes and ruthlessly attack them. Vlad King always had to interrupt. When we got dorms at the school, we no longer had to pretend to be normal when we weren't in class.

We weren't like others. My class hung out together all the time. And wherever we went, we brought trouble with us.

Somehow something or someone would always end up with something broken after we left.

We never learned to be heroes. We were trained to be monsters.

And that's what was released three days before our graduation. An entire batch of young villains was unleashed on the world under everyone's noses. 

We didn't attend our "graduation" the traditional way. We never received our hero licenses. Simply because we weren't there to receive them.

You remembered the huge crows watching with awe as each student received their diploma. You remembered the confused faces people made as the names of you and your classmates were called to be recognized. But no one went.

And just as the last name was being called, the entire arena exploded. You and your classmates watched from a distance, laughing as body after body was removed from piles of debris.

When the news reporter arrived, you waited for her to go Live before sending a thick Lego flying into her skull. She fell dead on the spot as you used to your Legos to spell out in front of the camera:



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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