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You were in your room, reading. Or at least trying to, the story was so boring. Shoto had picked out five nonfiction books, you looked at the other four stacked neatly on your desk. How were you ever going to finish them all? It had taken you half an hour to get to page 6, you kept dozing off, then startling awake. 

Suddenly, you heard a knock on your bedroom door. "Hey, it's me." You put the book down and told Shoto to come in. You were surprised to see him in an all black suit and all black everywhere else too. Except his hair, which was still the same red and white color.

"What's with the new wardrobe?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Just trying something new." He replied, and pulled you close. He kissed the top of your head and buried his face in your hair. 

"Just don't go walking at night, you might get run over." Shoto laughed as the door opened and one of the house workers came in. "Is something wrong?" You asked. The worker said no ma'am, then looked at Shoto. "Sir, your guests have arrived." 

"You can leave now." Shoto said, you detected a bit of irritation in his voice. The worker nodded, then left. "Guests?" You asked, puzzled. Shoto turned to you and his eyes softened. 

"It's nothing, snowflake. I just need you to stay here, okay?" What the fuck was going on, you thought. Was he...cheating on you? It would make sense. You fought back tears and you looked at the ground. As if reading your mind, Shoto bent down and lifted your head to give you a kiss. ;) oh my

"I am not cheating on you." Bitch, get out of my head, Shoto. "There just a few old friends from UA, and I don't trust them all that much. I'll be quick, I promise. We're just going to talk business." He reassured you.

"Okay." You said, feeling a little better. He kissed you again before walking out. "And I want to see progress with that book when I get back, babe." He said, closing the door. Dammit. You reached for the book, but were suddenly overcome with curiosity. What was so important that you had to stay behind, you thought. You wanted to see for yourself. You got out of bed and put on a jacket, the hallways were cold. You opened your bedroom door and looked down the hall, it was so quiet. None of the workers were around, which was very unusual.

You walked down the hall until you heard voices coming from the game room. You and Shoto's mansion was very large, that's why there was an entire library and game room. There was even a full-sized bowling alley farther down the hall. You stopped next to the game room, you could hear men talking inside.

Shoto, Deku, Bakugo, and 3 other men. The atmosphere seemed to be tense. The door was slightly open so you peeked inside, you were able to identify the three men you knew, and saw a girl on Deku's lap. She was dressed funny though, like a doll, and it was obvious that she was terrified. 

All the men were dressed in all black suits just like Shoto's even. You were surprised to see Bakugo in a suit, and he looked kind of uncomfortable. Then, his eyes darted to the door. sHiT. You saw him smirk before you ducked back away from sight. 

OMG, did he see you? What if he says something? What if Shoto finds out? Who were those other men? Why were all of them wearing black? Why was that one so crusty? Why was that one so burnt? Why didn't that one have any eyes? Why was that doll-looking girl so terrified? Why was she so flat?

Umm....forget that last question. "Hey Icy-Hot," Fawwwwk. Bakugo was talking and he sounded very amused. "What do you want, Bakugo?" Shoto's voice sounded so dull, you barely even recognized it. "Where's your little female?" Fuck you, Bakugo, how dare he make you nervous for doing exactly what you were told not to. 

You didn't see it, but you felt Shoto narrow his eyes Bakugo. "Why do you ask?" You held your breathe as the atmosphere became even more sufficating. You didn't want to get caught, what if Shoto made you read five more flavorless nonfiction books? You shuddered at the thought of him punishing you in such a cruel way.

Wait a damn minute, you were a fully grown adult. Why were scared of your boyfriend "punishing" you? You should get excited whenever he says he going to do that, not worried. Fuck, you need to focus. "She's in the garden." Shoto said, in a dull tone. Fuck you, Shoto. How dare you lie and say I'm somewhere interesting while knowing you left me in my room to read, you thought angrily.

Then you got an idea. You pulled a tiny camera out of your pocket and silently stuck it to the door while the men continued talking.

(Me: where the fuck did you get a tiny camera?! and where can i find one?)

You'd acquired it, hoping to stick it under Shoto's desk when he wasn't around. You wanted to see if he masturbated under his desk when he thought no one was looking. But this was a bit more urgent. You went back to your room as quietly as possible, then let out a sigh of relief as you fell back on her bed.

You thought for sure that you were going to get caught. Then, you pulled out your phone, went to the app and rewinded the camera.


Bahahahahahahahahahahahah, I told you this one would be more flavorful. See ya soon!

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