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Shoto: "Why are you asking me so many questions, honey?" Shut the fuck up and just answer them, scarface!

You: "I dunno I'm just curious, which of our friends were here?" Shoto kept his tired eyes on he continued to answer your questions.

"Midoriya and Bakugo." 

You: "What?! Why didn't you tell me, I wanted to say hi." 

Shoto: "Because it wasn't important, besides, I don't trust them." That's it, keep talking, Shoto.

You: "Why not, they're our friends. Plus, I really wanted to see them." Now Shoto was starting to get angry, you weren't supposed to want to see any other men. Only him, that's how it was supposed to be.

Shoto: "Oh, and why's that? Did you want to confess to them, or something?" Dang it, he's getting mad. He won't talk anymore if he stays upset.

You: "Of course not, you know you're the only one I love." I better be, Shoto thought to himself.

Shoto: "No more questions, honey, I'm exhausted."

You: "But-"

Shoto: "I mean it, I don't want to hear anything else about the meeting and those two today. Or ever again, for that matter." 

Dammit. Oh well, maybe you'd learn more later. 

(Me realizing how random everything in this story is: I wonder what it's like to not have ADHD.)

You: "Oh, I almost forgot." You pulled out your phone and showed your boyfriend a message from your friends. "They're going to a concert this Saturday. My favorite singer is performing, Mina already bought the tickets for all of us and she says that they're going to have a-"

Shoto: "Let me stop you right there." 

Your pov: Please, please, please.

Shoto: "Absolutely not." 

You turned away angrily. You didn't know if he was a villian for sure and you didn't know what to do if he was. So until you learned more, it was best to act normal. Mina really had sent you a text and you were hoping to be able to go.

Shoto: "Hey...."

Dammit, tears were already starting to burn your eyes as you fought them back. You grumbled angrily.

Shoto: "Hey, what are you mumbling to yourself? I am not too possessive, I am not unfair, I let you have a lot of freedom."

You: Then why won't you let me go out with my friends anymore?!" You said louder than you meant to. Shoto sat up quickly.

Shoto: "First of all, I'd appreciate it if you watched your tone around me. Secondly, I've already looked into that concert and it starts way past your curfew. And while we're on the subject of curfew, let's not forget that the last time you went out, you came home late."

You: "It was only two minutes after my curf-"

Shoto: "It doesn't matter if you were only too minutes late, I set that curfew for a reason. So that I can know where you are, and that I can make sure you're safe."

Your pov: Shoto, I am really about to get a band of Lego Ninjagos to beat the crap out of you if you interrupt me one more time, sir.

You: "You never listen to me......"

Shoto: "Despite what you think, I do listen to you. 

A Note From Me:

I have nothing to say. Bye bye.

Overprotective Shoto Todoroki x Female ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant