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-Baka-go's pov

Damn that Icy-Hot! I saw y/n today, I couldn't help myself. I wanted her so fucking bad! Seeing her peep around the door was just so damn hot. Such a sexy little thing. I'm getting distracted, but how can I not?

I've had the hots for her ever since we were training at UA. Her boldness and courage; the way she'd cuss me the hell out without a second thought. She was nothing like that damn, Deku.

(me listening to the baka's thoughts: but...but, what about BakuDeku? That's my ship, man. I live for that. How am I supposed to function?)

Speaking of that bastard, it's obvious he's planning something. All I know is he better stay the hell away from my y/n. Unless he wants a remake of those middle school beat down scenes.

(me: still pouting: Bakubully)

He was right about one thing, though. Y/N was even hotter now than she'd been back at UA. And that's why I have to have her. That body. That mouth. That mind. Soon, it will all be mine. She'll be my beloved teddy bear.

I don't just want her for her sexy body. I want every part of her. I want every part of her to be mine. And in order to do that I have to get rid of any nuisances in my way.

Todoroki. Deku. Both of them are blocking my path to success. My future with y/n was more important than anyone or anything else.

It's why I became a villain in the first place.

(imagine a bunch of guys becoming a villain just to have you. I think Bakugo might be a masochist, getting scolded turns him on ig)

"Hey, Kacchan." That damn nerd. I was walking down the street, not paying any attention to my surroundings.

"What do you want, you damn Deku?!" This little shit was already starting to piss me off. I turned around and faced the dumb bastard. He'd sure gotten bolder ever since he joined the dark side. I've got to admit, I was pretty surprised when I found out he'd became a villain at night. Todoroki, not so much. I figured he would turn because of his villain brother and abusive pro hero father.

"Stay away from y/n, will you?" This little shit!

(me watching from a teacup: ...but...isn't Deku supposed to his mansion. Am I high?! How the hell is this even happening rn?!?!)

"What did you say, you damned dumbass?!" He was really looking to get his ass kicked. "I'm certain you heard me, Kacchan. Y/n is mine and I saw the way you were looking at her earlier. She's mine and no one else's."

"Oh, yeah" I said, smirking. "And let's say you do manage to get your hands on her. What are you gonna do, turn her into another one of your dolls?" Deku flinched. Oh ho ho, looks like I hit a nerve.

Deku gritted his teeth. "I don't have to tell you anything, Bakugo."

(me listening with my eyes: actually, it's Baku-hoe. Get it right, broccoli boy.)

I lunged at the bastard, but he used One For All to jump away. "Heed my warning, Kacchan," he said before darting out of sight, "it's the only one you'll get."

Dammit! Who did that bastard think he was? Trying to make a fool out of me. No matter, once I have y/n everything will work out fine.


So, as you may have noticed, I am trying to lengthen the parts of my stories. Each part I've done lately is now 500-600 words rather than 200-400 words. They take up a full page front and back on notebook paper. Also, I was absolutely horrified when I realized I hadn't posted a new part for this story in 4 days. Please forgive me, and I'll see you soon.

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