Chapter 4 - What Are We?

Start from the beginning

Will approached him, hands up to try and calm the blonde. "I am going to keep this one, Ol, I promise you," he replied as sincerely as he could. And he meant it, he truly did. Oliver shook his head, taking a step back as Will came closer, but Will kept on with his approach anyway. "I promise you, Ol, from the bottom of my heart," he continued. Oliver stopped walking backwards and just watched Will come closer, the blonde's stare still hard on the other teen. He did nothing as Will came toe to toe with him, hands on his lean chest. "I promise," Will whispered, hoping a third time was the charm.

His eyes searched Oliver's face for any reaction. But he found none. Just an icy cold hiding the fire within. Will sighed. He had no idea what to do now. Did Oliver still even want him here? Or should he just leave? But he couldn't leave now or he'd be breaking his promise already.

Will moved his hands from Oliver's chest to around his waist, pulling him in for a hug and resting his head on the blonde's shoulder. "I'm not going to leave, Oliver," he said, his lips brushing against the skin of Oliver's neck. He felt the other teen shiver and then let out a soft sigh. Will smiled, knowing what to do.

He moved his lips lightly against Oliver's neck, feeling the blonde breathe a bit faster and his heartbeat quicken. He continued on until the icy cold in Oliver's heart defrosted and let loose the fire within.

The other teen growled, his body rumbling, before suddenly grabbing Will around the waist and lifting him up. Will giggled, his face now above Oliver's, as he moved his hands up to the other's hair and playing with the blonde locks.

Oliver sighed in content before carrying the brunette to his room, now getting back at Will by attacking his neck with kisses.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So what are we now then?" Oliver asked a few hours later, the two lying in his bed. He was playing with Will's fingers as Will tried to keep himself awake.

"What do you mean?" Will yawned, trying desperately to keep his eyes open. He didn't know where this sudden wave of tiredness came from but all he wanted to do now was sleep for a thousand years. Why couldn't they discuss this later, or at least after he had a little cat nap.

"Are we together? Are we taking things slow? What are we?" Oliver questioned, oblivious to Will's current battle with Mr Sandman. His mind was pumping and his body felt alive, like he had all the energy in the world swirling inside of him. He was so lost in thought about what he and Will were that he didn't notice the soft snores coming from the brunette next to him.

"Will?" he asked, only just noticing Will's sudden quietness, before looking over to see him sleeping serenely.

Oliver smiled to himself, appreciating how cute the other teen next to him was. His eyes scanned his face, taking it all in. He wondered what he'd done to deserve being this close to the greatest thing on Earth – in his mind, anyway.

"I hope we're together," he whispered to himself before he leant over and gave Will's cute button nose a quick peck. He snuggled in closer to the brunette, sighing as he tried to calm himself down enough to try and sleep.

This was utter perfection to Oliver. He was in heaven, and he hoped it lasted forever.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You fell asleep on me before you answered my question last night," Oliver brought up as he and Will sat at the kitchen counter over a shared plate piled with bacon and eggs. Will tilted his head to the side in confusion, obviously having forgotten what they'd talked about. "What are we?" Oliver asked, in a tone that said that he wanted a definitive answer.

Will struggled to swallow the mouthful of bacon that he'd been chewing as he thought it over. "I'm not sure," he uttered finally, shrugging his shoulders. "What do you want us to be?"

"I want us to be together," the blonde stated firmly, deciding to just get to the point. He made eye contact with the brunette, who just blinked at him a few times in return.

"And what about Stacey?" Will brought up. Stacey had been a big issue when he was debating with himself, and there was no way he was going to be a side bitch while Oliver hid their relationship. Will doesn't play that. If he and Oliver were going to be together, it was going to be just them: open, free, and honest.

"I already broke up with Stacey," Oliver answered simply, without a second thought. Will choked on his mouthful of egg, shocked by how flazéda the blonde was being. Like breaking up with your girlfriend for a relationship that wasn't even for certain yet wasn't that big a deal.

"What, when?!" Will coughed, reaching for his glass of apple juice.

"This morning when you were still asleep," Oliver replied, piling some bacon onto a piece of toast. "She came around and I thought it was best just to break up with her," he shrugged, taking a bite off the toast. "Could hardly have her see a half-naked you in my bed, now could I?" he joked through a mouthful of bacon.

"Ergh, don't do that," Will scolded the blonde, scrunching up his nose.

"Do what?" Oliver said with a fake innocence, but Will just rolled his eyes. Oliver smiled at him. "Just playing around with you, babe."

"Well don't," Will retorted, choosing to ignore Oliver's use of a pet name. "So what happened with Stacey this morning then?" he asked, deciding to get back to the topic at hand. "Was she upset?"

"Nah, she sorta saw us drifting apart, like romantically, so she was fine with us splitting up," Oliver shrugged.

"You didn't tell her about us, did you?" the brunette questioned. Oliver didn't reply, just chewing on another mouthful of bacon. "Did you?" Will asked again, though more urgent this time.

"Calm your tits, Will, I didn't tell her," the blonde finally answered after swallowing his mouthful. "I knew you'd crack the shits if I did, so I decided that if I wanted to keep being alive, I'd keep it quiet," he continued to say before adding, "even though she's my best friend and I'm sure all your friends already know all about us."

Will opened his mouth to snap back at Oliver's comment, only to close it again. He did have a good point. The girls did all know that things were happening between he and Oliver, so really, it would only be fair for Oliver to tell his best friend. "You could tell her about us if you wanted," Will offered feebly.

Oliver sighed deeply. "I probably shouldn't," he replied. "I only did just broken up with her and all." Will nodded, understanding what he meant. "So tell me, Will. Are we together?" the blonde asked again.

The brunette bit his lip in thought. The answer was pretty clear but he stretched it out, trying to torture the teen opposite him just a little bit. "Yeah sure, whatever. I guess..." he answered in a faux blasé tone and shrugging his shoulders.

Oliver just rolled his eyes, seeing through the act, before leaning over the kitchen island to give Will a quick kiss. "Perfect," he responded, giving the other teen a big, toothy grin.

"Yeah, perfect," Will echoed, giving the blonde an equally large smile before giving him a kiss back.

Just perfect.

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