Southern Consolation

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T R E V O N •

I sat patiently on the couch, my phone next to me, Madison sleeping on the other side cuddling up with her baby sister in her arms.

I couldn't help but worry.

Maybe I should've went to the party. I was feeling bad that I didn't go, but...I just couldn't. I did wanna potentially see him with her. So I stayed home.

I wonder if he's mad about that.

I just wonder what's going on.

I have never seen Malik make an expression like that. Not anxious, not sad, happy, mad, angry...more like he was terrified. In complete horror.

I hope everything's okay. I hope he's okay.

My attention was broken by my phone ringing. It was from Malik. My heart sped up as I quickly answered the phone, but was caught off guard when a voice that wasn't his answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Um, is this Trevon?" I hear a woman's voice. "Malik's friend, Tre right?"

"Uh, yeah," I answered confused as to why someone else had his phone.

"This is his sister, Shamia," she sounded frantic.

"IM NOT FUCKIN' LEAVIN!" I hear Malik scream in the background.

"Can you please drop my nieces off, and take him away from hur, please,"

"What's happenin',"

"Trevon can you please just come n get Malik? The police are warnin' us that they'll lock him up for public disturbance an-and Malik is on probation. He'll go back to prison. They don't give a fuck what the charges are," she sounded as if she was about to cry. "Please, take him," she begged me

"O-Okay," I agreed even more worried than I was before. "I'm on the way. Can you send me the address?"

"Yeah. And thank you fa always lookin' out for my brother. I'm glad he has someone like you," she said before hanging up not giving me a chance to respond.

I quickly went upstairs, putting on a jacket and shoes. I grabbed my wallet and keys that sat on my nightstand.

I rushed back downstairs going to the couch. I gently shook Madison awake. "We gotta go," I told her. She wiped her eyes, blinking. She nodded and then started putting on her shoes and coat. I grabbed the baby trying my best not to wake her, putting her in her car seat.

"Is my Daddy okay?" she asked me.

I nodded my head lying. He wasn't okay. I know he wasn't. I heard it in his voice on the phone, I saw it earlier when he dropped them off, and his sister confirmed it with her words.

I need to hurry.

"You ready?" I asked Madison. She nodded her head. We rushed into my garage, I put the car seat in the back, struggling a bit to properly buckle the baby in. Madison also got in the back while I got in the front.

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