Chapter 11: Deep Decision

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Orionna looked up at him nervously. She had to know what that was about. Sky sighed, knowing he had to give the news. “We have to take a trip to the emergency clinic.”

Orionna looked crestfallen as she mourned, “Who got hurt that bad?”

Sky shot a look at Aurin, who lagged behind politely as he guided her there quickly while explaining what he’d heard. Marix sounded very grim on the com.

“Guard and Marix got there quick, but Chaos is in critical condition. Marix, he revived her heartbeat, but she needs to get checked out and monitor her heart rhythm. We’ll go now to check on her,” Sky frowned,
“She’s always been so strong, but those copies are beyond our capabilities.”

Orionna looked distraught as she endeavored to remain calm. She had to guide these people the best she could. Trying to keep up with the long strides Sky took, she was embarrassingly getting out of breath. Sky turned and found her falling behind.

“Sorry,” he blushed as he offered her his arm. That way, he would match her pace perfectly.

“Marix didn’t even get testy with me, I’m a little preoccupied with her condition if he’s acting like that,” Sky confessed.

Orionna clutched his arm tightly, “You’ve known those two for a very long time. It’s okay to feel worried.”

Sky nodded a little embarrassed as he whispered, “Those guys are like my oldest friends. But don’t tell Marix that.”

Sky turned back to see where that other guy went. Aurin still trailed along casually. Soon, they were at a glass building set into the black rocks of the original cave. Sky gave one firm glare to Aurin, demanding he wait outside, which he shrugged and obliged. Both then walked in to the front desk.

“We’ve come to see Mrs. Tedrin if she’s stable. I’m her big brother Melkin, and my girlfriend Mia,” Sky beamed politely. As long as it wasn’t Aurin, he was back to jovial spirits again.

“Room 265,” a bored secretary drawled.

Sky nodded as the two took a glass elevator to the second floor then searched about carefully. Orionna first spotted a blonde haired man as she tugged Sky timidly, “Marix is there.”

Sky smirked as he strode in, but his smile faded to a grimness as he observed the still form unconscious on the bed. Marix was ever somber in mood as well. He didn’t look like he really wanted to greet them or talk.

“She’s been sleeping this whole time?” Sky assessed as he scanned the vitals and heart rhythm with a mild wince.

“Yes,” Marix spoke curtly.

Guard walked in with a few beverages, the two had been anticipated. He looked a bit depressed as well. Whatever they had seen was pretty traumatic.

For a day, then two, they waited. Aurin was pressing to visit Hydyn every chance he got. Relenting, Guard, Orionna, and Sky made plans for the Great City underground. Saying a gentle goodbye to the sleeping form, Orionna received a consoling promise from Marix that as soon as the tough soldier could, Chaos would send a message on the com.

It was a bittersweet moment as the three left. Taking the Mainline Train, the fastest underground train in the world, they would travel to Hydyn in record time. Aurin seemed in a much better mood, even pointing out various stops and sights as the train slid up and out of the final tunnel to tracks above the mighty City itself. Orionna looked around in shock, the lights ebbed and glowed like crystal gemstones in a wondrous mine.

“Aurin, what do you think of the Great One? We were created with a mind to make something like this, how much more amazing is nature in all its structure, seasons, and weather!? The delicate balances in biomes, the organization of the stars, all of it fits an order and pattern so intricate even we can’t quite grasp it all,” Orionna sighed in wonder. Sky smiled softly at her. She was so wonderfully created herself. No being could replace that lovely spirit.

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