Chapter 26

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"Nooo!" I whine when Loki peels me off him. I've spent the last hour half asleep on his bare chest, listening to his heart and the calming sound of his breathing as he had softly played with my hair. "Come now, love." He places a gentle kiss to my forehead and I sigh in satisfaction. "We don't want to be late." "But you're warm." I object and burrow into him. "I will still be warm later." Loki chuckles but wraps his arms around me, the tip of his nose grazing over my neck as he inhales my scent.

Reluctantly, I let go of him, mourning the loss of his warm body against mine. I watch him as he vanishes in his closet and returns a moment later, now fully dressed. To my utter surprise, he holds out a dress for me, beckoning me out of his otherworldy comfortable bed. I understand now why he had always complained about his quarters at Stark Tower. Compared to this, Tony's already luxurious building was nothing.

"Come here." He smiles at my awe when I reach out to touch the soft, silken fabric. "Loki." I whisper, torn between excitement and guilt. "I can't wear that." It's the finest gown I have ever seen in my life and I'm sure it must have been incredibly expensive. The quality is godly and the green of the fabric is rich and dark. "Why not?" Loki asks, still smiling. "I had it tailored for you." "It's beautiful." I admit but I wonder... "Loki, how do you know my size?"

He winks at me, a playful expression in his eyes. "I'm quite good at eye-balling." I see. "Do you want to try it on?" Nodding, I take the dress from him, and slip inside the comfortable gown. Needless to say it fits perfectly and compliments my figure, the soft fabric molding perfectly to my waist before it falls in gentle folds into an elegant skirt that reaches down to my ankles.

"What do you think?" Loki looks like a small child on christmas. There's excitement and adoration in his eyes and I almost expect him to start jumping up and down.

Instead of answering, I take two quick steps towards him and wrap my arms around him. "Thank you so much!" I mumble into his chest. I new that he would provide me with some clothes that are appropriate for wandering a palace, but I did not expect him to actually hire a talor.

"Your Highness?" A soft knock sounds from the door and then it opens to reveal a young maiden. She looks wide-eyed at me and then at Loki, shock apparent on her face. I feel Loki stiffen in my arms before he frees himself from my embrace and narrows his eyes at the servant. "You will not enter my chambers again without being asked inside. Next time you knock, you will wait for a response. Understood?"

"Yes, your Highness. Apologies." She mumbles, visibly intimidated at his towering frame and I internally roll my eyes. "I was sent to inform you that your presence is requested in the dining hall in thirty minutes. The all-mother requests you bring your... friend." She looks at me with a faint smile, a glimpse of shock still visible in her eyes and I realize that no one really knows about our situation and the sight of Loki being so gentle with someone doesn't quite suit his reputation.

I have been assigned my own quarters - not far from Loki's - but I haven't entered them since we arrived on Asgard. I had assumed that Thor had informed his parent's about Loki's and my situation, but it appears he has not. Maybe it's better if we don't make a big deal out of it. We haven't even talked about what this... this thing between us is.

He dismisses the servant and turns back to me, gently cupping my face in his hands and stealing a kiss. He smiles and offers me his arm. "Shall we?" I slide my arm around his and nod, looking forward to properly meet his mother, though my excitement of seeing Odin again is keeping within limits.

I'm surprised - and slightly intmidated - when we enter the dining hall and I see all the people on the long table. "Loki." I whisper, tugging on his sleeve to make him bend down so I can speak quietly into his ear. "I thought we were eating with your family?" My voice is a little higher than intended and he chuckles lightly. "Friends and family, my love."

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