Chapter 13

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"What the hell?!" Tony shouts for at least the five hundredth time. Upset, he paces back and forth as he pieces together the information I've given him over the last hour. "Even though I'm incredibly sorry for everything you've had to go through, I'm kind of disappointed that you didn't say anything."  Steve says quietly next to me. He sits next to me on a table in Bruce's lab as I clasp his hand.

Behind me, Bruce is trying to locate the exact spot of the chip in my back, which is proving harder and more uncomfortable than Tony anticipated. "Banner, get that thing out of her back!" Tony orders. "I want that thing broken down into its component parts in my workshop as soon as possible."

He sounds pissed. It probably hurts his ego badly that his security systems never found the little device. "That's easier said than done." Brice counters. "It's sitting too close to her spine." He is silent for a moment, puts down the device he just used to detect magnetic radiation, and pulls one of the screens towards him.

He downloads a file and types in a few combinations of numbers before sliding the screen away, and a 3D model of my spine appears in front of him. He steps around the table and beckons Tony to join him. He turns the model and points to one of the vertebrae.

"Tony, this one," He taps the screen again, and a tiny device becomes visible in the projection. "This one is almost touched by the chip." He sighs. "I would hate to trigger one of those electric shocks she mentioned should the chip actually touch her spine when it is removed. That could be highly dangerous." "Then find a solution." Tony suggests.

"I'm trying." Tony starts walking around again. "We shouldn't just focus on Y/n." Clint speaks up. He and Nat have been leaning silently against the wall next to the door, watching how Tony, Bruce, and Steve have been dealing with the situation.

They had been talking quietly to each other for the last few minutes and now seem to have come to the idea of including us in their conversation. "We're not saying that Y/n is unimportant." Nat adds. "But we should get Y/n's sister out of there as soon as possible."

I smile gratefully at her and see approval on the faces of the others. Even Nick Fury seems to think that this is the most logical next step. He's been listening intently to Bruce's words so far, silencing Tony from time to time, who was about to interrupt the scientist more than one time.

My heart feels so much lighter now that my dark secret is finally no longer a secret. Everyone has gathered here within one hour to consider what to do next. Even Thor is back. I would love to ask him what exactly happened after we visited the café. Only Loki is missing.

After my freak-out and confession in the cell, he'd been holding me, stroking my back, drying my tears, and giving me what I needed most at that moment: safety, closeness, and comfort. When Steve came to check on me later, he hadn't asked any questions.

He had seen me sitting curled up on Loki's lap against his chest and allowing him to take me in his arms. Not even ten minutes after Loki had told him what had happened, I was sitting in Bruce's lab while, one by one, all the Avengers joined us.

Only Loki hadn't shown up, and with every second that passed, my doubts that he would come after all grew. I was confused. In more ways than one. What was with these constant mood swings? Couldn't he just behave normally? 

My stupid feelings make me feel attracted to him, but his unpredictability scares me. What if he hurt me again? Would I be able to stand it? Loki not showing up right now is actually bothering me more than it should. I want him near me. For some reason, I feel safe with him. 

His closeness calms me down, even though he can make me incredibly angry with his games and arrogant manner. One moment, he is gentle, kind, and caring, while a moment later, he can be incredibly angry, creating a cold feeling of anxiety in me, and not just because of his size.

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