Chapter 24

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Hey folks, I'm back. I hope this chapter somehow compensates a little for the long wait. Adult content ahead! Don't read around your kids or grannys.

I awake by something soft tickling my face. A few rays of sunlight fall through a gap in the green curtains that cover the window. My smile slowly fades. The curtains in my room are a soft grey. Then I feel it against my back. The regular, slow beating of a heart from a sleeping person.

When I try to turn around, I find myself unable to do so due to the arms that have captured me and the legs that are entangled with mine. How did I not notice them earlier? And far more important, where am I? My still very sleepy brain needs a second to figure it out, but then I remember the mission. The destruction done to the Avengers Tower.

I slightly turn my head. The black raven hair confirms that it is indeed the god of mischief that has captured me in his arms while slumbering blissfully. Again. I figure that this has happened quite often in the last few weeks. Not that I would mind. A smile plasters on my lips before I sense something. Oh gods, I'm naked!

Cautiously, I try to free myself from his embrace without waking him so I can find a more comfortable position without waking him. It takes me a moment, but after some time, it's just his legs left that prevent me from moving properly. And, after another moment, I have accomplished that task as well, a relieved sigh escaping my lips.

But when I attempt to crawl away only the slightest bit, he moves one of his legs back over mine and then pulls me back against his chest. "Ah ah ah!" Sneaking away, aren't we, darling?" His voice is rough and deep from sleep. My eyes widen. I thought he was asleep! When he moves one of his large hands to rest on my stomach, the flashbacks start.

Pictures of the two of us from the previous night, entangled in the sheets of his bed where he'd tenderly made love to me, whispering sweet nothings into my ear, before he'd flipped me over to fulfill his own needs. We made love for hours. Well, we did for about half an hour before he had completely taken over control, again giving me a taste of his inhumane stamina. Things seemed to work... different for gods.

My confession seems to have awakened something inside of him. His intense arousal and his lust had fueled my own lust, and when I went to take a hot shower after the exhausting mission, he'd followed me.

This time, I hadn't attempted to hold him back when his arms had snaked around me, his slender fingers drawing patterns on my sensitive skin, before he'd pressed me against one of the tiled walls, the sound of the water falling down on us covering my moans as he'd buried himself deep within me.

Later, when we had moved back into his bedroom, only wrapped in his fluffy towels, I had watched the muscles on his back flex as he bent down to dig through one of his drawers for a pair of boxers to wear. The sight had made me bite my lip and pull him with me to his bed. He'd smirked and let me push him down on his soft mattress.

I blush over the knowledge that we didn't stay in the bed for long, the red on my cheeks darkening at the memory of how he'd taken me against the hard material of the door or on the sofa he used to spend hours of reading.

I remember the cold sensation of the glass as my back had pressed against the gigantic window that granted a wonderful sight of the city, but as he'd buried himself deep within my warm folds, the only thing I'd been looking at were his mesmerizing eyes.

At some point, I had surrendered to him because I was drained of all energy, my voice hoarse, and my limbs limp. He then had carried me back to his bed where he'd laid me down. He'd bitten my shoulder as he'd started panting, the primal urge to claim me as his still burning in his eyes like fire.

Breathless, he'd placed a tray of soft kisses on my neck before trailing his lips up to the shell of my ear. "You're mine!" He'd growled, and I'd twisted in pleasure under his body as he'd driven us both over the edge one last time. The last thing I remember is the look full of affection and pure adoration on his face as he'd cleaned us with a little magic, then rolled me over and safely wrapped me into his arms before I'd passed out from exhaustion.

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