Chapter 3

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That grin should have alerted me and made me realize that despite the barrier between us, the situation could escalate and turn a little less peaceful than planned. The way Loki tilts his head and pulls up the corners of his mouth a little, without the smile reaching his eyes, indicates that making this easy isn't his plan.

The white teeth that flash between his thin lips make his face look strangely distorted as if he is trying hard to remain calm. And even if I had missed all that, the way he strides predator-like along the glass wall, hands clasped behind his back, should have warned me.

The strange gleam in his eyes is actually indicating enough that he is up to something. Well, he is always up to something. He's the god of mischief after all. Instead of becoming suspicious, however, I return to my chair and pull it a little closer to the cell before making myself comfortable in it again and directing my gaze at the dark-haired god in front of me, who, to my chagrin, is damn good-looking.

Startled by myself, I forbid my thoughts to wander in that direction. Loki, who has been watching me the whole time, can't quite hide an amused snort when he notices my brief absence of thought. Clearing my throat, I pay full attention again.

"Loki." Testing his name on my lips brings me more amusement than I thought it would. As I watch him looking at me intensely, I feel his curiosity again mixed with caution and... hesitation. I'm surprised. So he isn't that relaxed he acts to be. I wonder where the sudden hesitation comes from.

Shrugging it away, I concentrate on the task Tony had given me. "Loki - of Asgard, as I've heard several times now - you grew up in Asgard, am I right?" A small nod is enough for me to continue. "Apparently, you are the younger brother of Thor." The stare he gives me lets me assume I'm right again.

"Would you mind telling me about Asgard? I heard much, and I'm curious." I really am curious, and to be honest, when Tony told me to speak to Loki about anything that would eventually make him talk, I just had to jump at that opportunity.

When he doesn't answer, I sigh. Well, back to trying to elict a reaction from him. I take a moment to think when I remember a piece of information from one of the many files from Tony. "It must have been wonderful to grow up with Thor. I wonder if there have ever been any disputes about the future between the two of you. After all, there's only one throne..." I see his jaw clenching. I think I may have hit a nerve.

"It must be bitter to only be the second-born. Damned to live a life in the shadow of the future king, knowing to always only be second..." I pause for a second. You could slice the air with a knife. It's full of anger and despair. "I can imagine the bitterness of seeing the throne every day, to stand before it with the knowledge to never be able to sit in it."

Smiling up to him, I settle back in my chair and watch him get overwhelmed with anger. "You know nothing, mortal." He spits. "I am the rightful king!" If a glare could kill, I would be dead on the spot now, but glares normally don't kill and so I'm alive, feeling safe from the glass barrier that protects me from Loki's anger.

"The throne should be mine." He stops raging, his loud voice had lowered into a growl, and I'm slightly startled. Is this jealousy? I can sense he feels somehow betrayed. I don't know why, but I suppose it has something to do with his brother.

The wildness in his eyes makes me think. His hair is a little messy as if a light April breeze went through the black strands, but his eyes are like the ice that builds on the coldest days of the winter, extinguishing every life that stays too long. Did I go too far with provoking him?

Fury still burns in his eyes, and I'm sure if he wouldn't be in that cell, I would most likely be dead by now. I feel slightly guilty for pushing him that far. I knew this would anger him because Thor once had told me that Loki holds a grudge because of the throne. But I didn't know it was this bad.

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