Chapter 7

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“No.” “It’s necessary.” “I’m not doing this!” “Drop the dagger.” “Absolutely not.” “It does not hurt.” “I’m not afraid of pain, Stark. It’s humiliating.” I sit on a table in Bruce’s Lab, leaning against the broad shoulders of Steve, feet dangling in the air, and watch the scene in front of me.

In the centre of the room stands Loki. His hair is slightly messy, and there’s a murderous expression on his face. He’s holding a dagger threateningly in front of himself, and his eyes are shooting knives at Tony who’s pinching the bridge of his nose.

Next to me, Bruce shifts in his seat, his shoulders tense in unease at the sight of the two in front of us. Tony’s suit is halfway built up around his body, the repulsors in his gloves ready to blast the angry god away.

“Popcorn?” Peter smiles at me and offers me a bowl. I instantly start munching on the white stuff, earning a disapproving glance from Steve. I smile at him innocently and offer him some of my popcorn.

He rolls his eyes but grabs a handful. A smile slips over his face, and I see Peter winking at me. I blush and frantically shake my head. He only giggles and suggestively wriggles his eyebrows.

Before the situation can get worse, Tony interferes. “Gimme that.” He demands. The bowl filled with sweet popcorn (Sorry for this, but salty popcorn is literally a crime. No offence, though. Everyone can eat popcorn the way they want) is suddenly taken from my hands, and before I can even protest, he has already turned back to Loki.

“Look, Horns, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Let’s get this over with and let Bruce put the tracker on.” Tony’s annoyed voice is a little muffled due to the popcorn in his mouth. 

“I’m a prince, not your pet, you dull creature!” Unbothered by the fury in the god’s eyes, Tony motions for the six shield agents to grab Loki, but suddenly he has a second dagger in his hands. “Don’t you dare touch me!” He yells. 

I’m shocked by the pure hatred that radiates off him and makes my head throb. That’s not the Loki I know. His ice-blue eyes seem to glow, and there’s no hint of kindness or the familiar spark of playfulness in them. Only hate and anger.

Next to me, Bruce straightens his back and raises his hand in an attempt to get some attention. “What about we find a compromise?” He asks. His hands are fiddling with his glasses. Loki and Tony react at the same time. “No!”

Bruce slumps back, and I pat his shoulder. “You should have foreseen that reaction.” I whisper to him. Suddenly, Clint speaks up. “Actually, that seems like a pretty good idea. Why not try finding another solution? It can not be the only way to inject someone with a tracker!”

“Hmm.” Natasha furrows her brows. “Isn’t Thor going to come for a few weeks?” Loki groans. “Not that oaf.” He dramatically rolls his eyes.

“He could help us watch over him. Additionally, we could use Friday to tell us about abnormal activities such as energy increasing et cetera.” Natasha suggests. Loki lowers his daggers a little and seems to think while Tony doesn’t look convinced.

“I could arrange some of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s special handcuffs. They’re like two thin bracelets that shouldn’t bother much, but when you leave a certain area, they activate and lock together due to magnetism and send a signal straight to us.” Fury offers.

I can feel the inner debate Tony is having, and judging by the look on his face he’s finally convinced that it’s not necessary to implant Loki a tracker. 

It takes Fury only half an hour to hand me a pair of thin silver bracelets. I hesitantly knock on the door of Loki’s room. I’m met with an annoyed Loki who quickly pulls me into his room and shuts the door before continuing to examine the details of the room Tony assigned to the god.

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