Chapter 15

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I awake with a slight headache. I feel groggy, my throat feels dry and sore, and it takes me some strength to open my eyes. With my consent, Bruce had injected me with something that made me fall asleep to keep my movement to the bare minimum and reduce the possibility of hurting my spine.

I groan, attempting to roll around, but two firm hands quickly grab my shoulders and keep me on my stomach. "Good morning, darling." "Loki?" "I'm here." He assures, and the pressure on my shoulders loosens a little. I try rolling over again, but again, he won't let me. "I'd stay like this if I was you." He tells me.

Then it all comes back to me. "Is it out?" I murmur into the pillow before turning my head to face him. "It is." He smiles. "How do you feel?" Carefully, he helps me sit up and hands me a glass of water. "I'm alright, I guess. Whose is this?"I ask and tug on the unfamiliar shirt I'm wearing. "It's mine." Loki smirks.

"Good." I smirk back. "Don't think you'll be getting it back." "Is that a dare?" He growls. "Maybe." I sip on my water when another question comes to my mind. "You said you could heal?"

Humming in response, Loki takes the water from me and makes the glass vanish into thin air. "Then why didn't you heal me after the procedure?" I ask carefully, referring to the dull pain in my back. "Stark wouldn't let me. I don't blame him for not trusting me though." He explains and sighs.

"Well, Stark wouldn't have to know." I smirk, and a playful expression sparkles in his eyes. "Indeed." His tongue darts out, moistening his lips before stretching out his hands. "Come here."

I crawl over and sit in front of him, not sure how to proceed, but Loki takes things into his own hands and pulls me onto his lap, securing me in place with one arm wrapped around my waist while the other one slips under my shirt and comes to lay above the wound on my back.

"This may hurt." He informs me before letting his magic work. I grit my teeth and unconsciously start squirming when I feel my skin melt together, but after a few seconds, it's over. "Thanks." I pant and climb off his lap before sprawling out on my bed. "Was it really necessary to have me on your lap though?" I want to know.

"It wasn't." I can hear the smirk in his voice. "But I liked it better this way." I roll my eyes at him and hit him with a pillow. "You're unbelievable!" He yanks the pillow from my hands, and I squeal when he raises it to hit me back. Quickly grabbing another pillow, I glance up at him. "Do you yield?" He asks, his voice dangerously low. "Never!" I fling my pillow at him again. I shouldn't have done that.

"Stop! Okay, I yield!" I screech after thirty seconds. Loki has tackled me down and is now repeatedly hitting me with the pillow while I try not to suffocate from laughter. Now, he bends down to my ear, letting his voice drop an octave. "Good girl." He smirks, knowing exactly what he is doing.

My eyes widened, and Loki winks at me before raising the pillow again, hitting me one last time before dropping the pillow and sprawling himself out next to me. "Why did you come here in the first place?" I want to know.

"I'm bored." He admits. "There's not much to do here. Besides, I've been here the whole time. I've been reading." He reaches for a book, on my bedside table, and holds it so I can read the title. "You seem to have some reasonably good works here on Midgard, contrary to my expectations." "Macbeth?" (*) I ask and have to chuckle. "I'm beginning to see parallels."

Half-heartedly, he smiles back. "I can't undo the damage, but I can avoid making that mistake again." I stop giggling and search his gaze. My face becomes a little more serious when he finally returns my gaze. "Loki, I've seen pictures from the security cameras." He swallows and averts his eyes. "I'm disgusted with myself." He says quietly.

Shatter Me (LokixReader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora