Chapter 12

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I awake in an unfamiliar bed. I'm shivering from the coldness, but at the same time, I can feel a thin layer of sweat on my forehead. I don't feel good. My mouth is dry, my throat is sore, and I come to the conclusion that it must have been the pounding headache that woke me.

Sitting up in the thin white sheets I take in my surroundings and groan, partly from the dizziness that washes over me and partly because I recognize the white establishment that I know only from a small screen. A look in one corner confirms my suspicion when I see the small black camera hanging there.

Why wouldn't they put me in a normal cell? The sterile smell of disinfectant fills my nose, and I imagine I can still detect the fainting hint of Loki lingering in the air, who had to spend the last few months in here. 

Dejected, I shake off this thought and stand up, my stomach instantly doing a somersault, and I rush through the nearest door, hoping it's the bathroom. I am lucky. When I have successfully emptied my stomach a few minutes later, I decide to take a closer look at my prison. 

I wonder what exactly it was that Banner told Loki to use in order to knock me out. It definitely had some side effects on me. I rarely have headaches, and even if I have one, they're never this intense. I groan. 

So far, I have only been able to take a look at the monitors and the living room, which is perfectly visible from the outside through a large transparent window. A few seconds later, I realize that there is nothing more than the small bathroom, the almost equally small bedroom, and the living room. The entire cell takes up about the same space as the living room of my normal apartment, minus a few square feet.

"It's quite amusing, how the tables turn, isn't it, darling?" I jump around, my eyes fixing on the tall frame of Loki himself. My heart rate increases, but with the confidence the glass wall gives me, I don't back away. "What do you want?" I growl, anger rising about how he drugged me, how he treated me and how he dares to even look at me.

"I wanted to see how you've settled in. It's quite comfortable, isn't it?" Loki mocks, his piercing eyes following my every move like a hunter would look at his prey. He smugly leans against the wall, seemingly enjoying the situation. "Why?" Is all that comes out of my throat.

"What?" Is his promt couterquestion. "Do you enjoy this?" I ask. I'm tired. My head is hurting, I still feel sick, and I don't know what exactly will happen when Aiden finds out that I didn't place the bomb.

When I notice Lokis eyes penetrating mine, I feel the almost unnoticable sensation of an intruder in my mind. It's unpleasant in many ways. "Out. Of. My. Head!" I growl at him and break the eye contact.

I notice that my hands are sweating and wipe them on the hem of my shirt. As I do so, I notice that I am not wearing my clothes. With an accusing look, I turn around and look into Loki's grinning face. 

His eyes begin to sparkle as he notices that I have finally become aware of my clothes. "Whose is this?" I ask menacingly, taking the soft fabric of the far too large T-shirt between two fingers. All I get in reply is a grin. 

I guess he likes to test my patience. Well, my patience is at an end. My headache makes me forget all my good character traits. "Whose is this!" My voice takes on a menacingly low tone, which seems to amuse Loki for some reason. Curious, with a strange glint in his eye, he watches my mini tantrum with great interest. 

Furious, I stomp across the tiny living room until I am standing directly in front of him. What would certainly have looked more impressive had I been about two heads taller, probably looks rather ridiculous judging Loki's widening grin. "Who?" I spit. Loki tilts his head slightly and winks at me. "It's mine." 

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