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This chapter includes a TW. Graphically described images. 

- Cherry


On the way back to the rooms, Henley walked with Elvio in front of Sam. Henley was chatting away, laughing and smiling but then she noticed something out the corner of her eye. 

She stopped walking.

''You okay?'' Elvio asked her. 

''Yeah..I'm fine.. hey, I'll catch up with you guys. I need to check something out.'' 

Sam shook his head.

''It's dangerous. I wouldn't do that if I were you..''

''I'll be fine!'' She snapped at him. Sam shrugged and nodded. Him and Elvio started walking back upstairs. When Henley saw them turn a corner, she walked down the corridors. She found a wooden staircase she hadn't seen before and climbed it and looked around.

''Hello?'' She almost whispered.

''Is someone there?'' Then she rolled her eyes and laughed to herself.

"This is like a horror movie. What am I even doing.'' She went to turn but she bumped into someone. She squealed but then righted herself.

''Oh, Andy. It's just you..'' Henley put her hands on her hips.

''I know what you did.'' Andy said, serious. Henley scowled.

''What?'' She said. 

''I didn't do shit.'' 

Andy looked at her right in her eyes.

''You cheated on Elvio. With Sam. You literally made out and-'' Henley sighed.

''What, were you watching or something? Stalker. Also really creepy. Isn't it illegal to watch 2 people have sex?'' she spoke over Andy rudely. 

''Anyways, why does it concern you? It's my life, not yours.'' She crossed her arms.

''Maybe, but if Elvio finds out, that wouldn't be so good for you... Your school life would be ruined.'' Andy said, still locking eyes with Henley. Henley shifted uncomfortably.

''Are you blackmailing me?'' She sneered.

''Blackmail would have to be two sided. I do not want you to do anything, except tell Elvio what you did. Always tell them before they find out. Maybe then you could even work it out with him and he won't tell anyone. Could just be your secret, or if he finds out...'' 

Henley started to feel very uncomfortable.

''I can't tell him though.. It'd destroy him. And I'm not losing my hot AF boyfriend thank you.'' She went to push her out of the way, but Andy blocked her path.

''Excuse me?'' 

''Henley, you have to tell him.'' 

''Why do you care so much?'' She asked Andy. 

''I may not like Elvio, but I don't want to see him shattered. It's.. not a nice feeling.'' Andy replied. Henley growled under her breath angrily. Then she stopped, and smiled mischievously at her. Andy looked at her weirdly.


''If you don't leave out of MY business, I shall intrude on YOURS. I could take down your entire career.'' Henley said craftily. Andy cocked her head to one side.

''What do you mean...?'' She asked, feeling slightly more concerned than she did earlier.

''I know about you and Celeste, and what you did. As much as I want you taken down for murder, your alibi is tight. You and Celeste may have been in the same room as the murder being...intimate, but you came up to our room before the scream which means you're safe. But what I CAN do, is share the information that I have with your mother who wouldn't be too impressed...'' She grinned cunningly.

''What...How...How do you know about it. And what do you know about my mother?'' Andy spluttered.

''I've done my research on you, Andronica Ravenscroft. You're famous enough for a 17 year old. I knew I recognised you from somewhere when I first met you. I researched your mother. You used to be part of a series of comercials until you were let go from the job when you were found kissing a female collegue. The product you were advertising was part of a seriously large brand and they didn't want you ruining their image. Your mother, I gather from the consequences you faced, was certainly not an Ally towards the LGBTQ plus community.'' Henley kept on at.

Andy could feel her shoulders becoming weaker and weaker.

''Imagine if she heard it was all happening again..! Your career...your family relationship would all go up in flames.'' Henley continued.

''You....You...!'' Andy's voice cracked, tears came to her eyes. Then she was overtaken by anger. 

''You fucking bitch! All I'm asking you to do, is tell your boyfriend you were cheating! You can fix that! I can't fix anything if you share that information!!'' She yelled, moving towards Henley. But the blonde girl didn't even flinch.

''I could destroy your entire reputation!'' She said joyfully.

''You could destroy my entire LIFE!! I wouldn't recommend doing that, Henley!'' she got closer and closer. She stood right up in front of Henley, who smirked in her face. She screamed until her vocal chords felt sore. Henley started to feel slightly cramped and uncomfortable at her lack of personal space.

Andy turned around and stomped her foot and shook violently. She spun around and came right at Henley and pushed her. Hard. 

Henley got caught off balance, and she shrieked and fell backwards, down the steep stairwell onto the concrete floor. The loud sound of a crack resonated through the halls. Andy gasped. She took a step back, and another and then screeched and screamed. Tears welled in her eyes and wouldn't stop falling. Her nose ran, her knees went weak. She grabbed hold onto a railing that was holding clothes and costumes. 

''W-WHAT....??'' She yelped to herself. She stopped screaming. Her breathing shallow. She advanced very slowly towards the top of the stairs and looked down and her knees went weak again. 

Down, on the grey concrete below lay Henley sprawled out. Her blonde hair dyed a bright red colour, and Andy could see her blood spilling from her head. Andy gagged, and fell to her knees bawling her eyes out. Her hands shook fiercely. She looked down at the non-existent blood on her hands and she curled up in a ball.

What had she done?

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