''Hey babe.'' Elvio wrapped his arm around Henley's waist.

''Don't call me that. Anything but that.'' She snapped back. Elvio smirked and kissed her. Jazzie sighed.

''Hey, London! Dude, you gonna play today?'' Blue tugs on London's hood.

''Hey man, nah not today. I decided that i might quit the team..'' He admitted to his friend. Blue's eyes widened.

''No way. Really? Why? You're the best on the team!'' Blue protested.

''I know..'' He muttered, running his fingers through his blonde hair. 

''I just decided I'm not the biggest fan of hockey. It's so boring after a while, and I'm not THAT good-'' London said. Blue sighed.

''Your choice.'' They both looked over at Elvio and Henley, who had started to get a little more physical. Blue rolled his eyes.

''I don't get what El sees in her. She's a stone cold bitch, man.'' he crossed his arms. London agreed.

''I'm not a fan of either of them if I'm gonna be honest..'' London said. 

''I know you don't like Elvio, but give him a chance!! He's fine when he's not all over Regina George there.'' Blue scoffed.

''Nah. I'm sorry Blue. I just don't get your 'brother-like relationship'. But don't stop being friends just 'cuz I don't like him.'' He said. Blue nodded.

London turned to his locker and opened it. He rummaged around and pulled out his history book. Last class of the day, then the end of year party that was a week too early. He groaned when he looked at the cover. Then, a note fell out of the book.

''What the...?'' He knelt down and picked it up. It looked like an invitation.


He showed it to Blue.

''Yoooo! London! That's sick!!'' he exclaimed, taking the invite from him and checking out the photo of the theatre on the back of the card.

''Where'd it come from though?'' London wondered.

''Who cares! That's the Fleur Alain Amphitheatre!! It's the old theatre that had been shut down for 7 years after a theory that one of the main actors onstage that night died. It's a pretty historical and gorgeous place!''

London shrugged. Blue's eyes widened again.

''D'you think I got an invite too??'' Blue wondered, getting excited and going through his locker next to London's.

''I doubt it-'' London started.

''HELL YEAH!!'' Blue yelled. He pulled the same invite out.

''I got one!!''

A girl tapped London's shoulder. He turned around to see a girl with long black hair and black glasses.

''Excuse me? Hi, my name is Celeste. I think i overheard you both got the same invite as mine?'' She pulled her card out and showed it to the others. London looked surprised.

''Yeah. We got it too.'' Blue said. 

''Are you thinking of going?'' She asked. Blue nodded excitedly, but London shook his head.

''It seems really sketchy...'' He said.

''Oh come on man, lighten up a bit! It seems like fun! Anddd there's gonna be a cute girl there...'' Blue half whispered pleadingly to London, and winked to Celeste. She blushed and hid her face.

''I'll think about it...''

''Hey, Blue!'' Elvio shouted over. 


''Y'all got the same weird card thing inviting us to a party or something?'' Elvio came over. 

''We did too.'' Henley sneered, still hanging onto Elvio. Jazzie waved the invite at them, from behind.

''Mhmm... 6 of us having the same invite? I don't know guys. This seems real creepy.'' Celeste said, thinking.

''Nah I think it looks like fun!!'' Henley turned her nose up at Celeste. 

''Yeah. Fun!'' Jazzie agreed with her.

''I don't know..'' London said.

''Look, we have...'' Blue looked at the card.

''A day to decide. We might as well make a groupchat to discuss this.'' He took out his phone.

''Hold up hold up, I've like, never met you in my life. Or you,'' Her nose scrunched up at Celeste.

''Why are we already making a damn groupchat??''

''To discuss if we are actually going or not!'' he exclaimed.

''Let's just make a groupchat... If we get any other information about the invites or who sent them we can tell eachother on it.'' 

The others all nodded in agreement and took out their phones. 

''If you meet anyone else who has an invite, add them to it.'' Blue said.

''Alright, we should meet up tomorrow, the people who are going. At the statue in the park across from school.'' Elvio suggested. Everyone agreed and went off to their class.

London walked to history class, staring at the invite.

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