4 - London's POV

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I finally arrived outside the school gates to see the rest of them were there already. And a bus.

"London!!" Blue exclaimed, happily. He walked over to me.
"Wanna sit next to me?" He asked.
"Sure." I answered. I could see Jazzie and Henley chatting, Elvio stood behind Jazzie mocking her. Henley laughed.

I looked over to Andy who was talking to Sam. Then to Celeste who was reading more articles about the theatre on her phone. I sighed and looked back at Blue.

"Don't he eyeing up Celeste. I'm into her." Blue told me, smirking. I grinned back.
"How do you expect to get her?" I asked. He shrugged.
"I don't know that but what I DO know, is the fact that I'll be hers at the end of the week!" He laughed and I laughed with him. It felt good to laugh. I didn't realize how long it had been since I did.

We got onto the bus.
Blue and I sat together, Andy and Sam sat together, Henley and Elvio were together too giggling. I knew they were planning something, as they sat near the back of the bus. And then Jazzie and Celeste day next to eachother. Celeste almost immediately took out her headphones and put them on. Jazzie gave her a disgusted look. We had 2 teachers who were chaperoning us for the entire week.
Mr Yonah and Mr Ashton. Everyone suspected something was going on between them. Had some sort of sexual chemistry.

The bus started rolling down the streets.
"Remember your seatbelts. The drive takes about 2 hours so get comfy." Mr Ashton told us from the front of the bus, before sitting down next to Mr Yonah.

Blue and I chatted for a while, looked at Instagram and gave eachother weird looks when we noticed Elvio had his hand down Henley's skirt.

Once it got to the hour and a half mark on the trip to the theatre, we got our snacks out and started to eat. We had to finish them by the time we got to the theatre or else they wouldn't let us in. While Blue munched on his lettuce and chicken wrap I chugged my Fanta, trying not to look at Elvio and Henley severely making out.

I didn't get why they wanted to get like this on a bus trip, with 2 teachers too. They luckily hadn't seen them yet. Well, more like unfortunately, as the two of them started giggling again. Once I realised that Elvio was now in possession of one of Henley's pieces of clothing, I put my earphones in and turned on a movie.

Eventually, we made it to the theatre.
"Fucking finally." Sam said loudly, and Mr Yonah gave him a serious look. Sam apologized.

Henley sat up quickly, and fixed her hair, looking flustered. Elvio whined but put his jacket on and we all got off the bus. A tour guide was outside the front. She had long wavy ginger red hair and wore a dark blue uniform with the theatres name on it. She introduced herself.

"Hello! My name is Roxy! I'll be your tour guide for the week! We will first show you to your rooms so you can leave your bags there. It has been quite a long journey, so once you get comfy, you can come down and we will provide your booking to the diner across the road for dinner. It has just hit..." she looked at her watch.

"6:35 PM! If you'd like to follow me.. " she started walking. We followed her through the front doors of the big theatre.
We passed the stage room. I peeked through the door. It really was the biggest theatre I'd ever seen. I caught up with the others.

The teachers had their separate room across the hall from us. We had 2 rooms. We were separated into girls and boys, though Andy protested about sexism and being non binary, even though no one there WAS non binary.

I myself, am a Demi boy so I technically was sorted into the male "dorm".

Elvio, Blue, Sam and I threw our bags down. Sam and Elvio shared a bunk while Blue and I shared our own bunk. Henley, Jazzie, Celeste and Andy shared their own room, which had a door that we could pass through into their room. Once all our stuff had been set down, the girls came into our room.

"So. What do you think we'll be doing or seeing first tomorrow?" Andy asked.
"I'm not sure." I said.
"It's a shame we can't be in the same room..." Henley said, looking at Elvio who winked at her.

"I'm sure you guys can come into our room and sleep on the ground. If you get scared." Sam joked, which made Celeste look at him disgusted.

"Let's go get dinner." Blue said.
"I'm actually starving-" Andy replied.
We made our way downstairs to the front to meet the teachers.

"You're booked into the diner across the street. You're all capable of getting there on your own and I hope mature enough to sit at a table on your own." Mr Ashton said to us.

"I'm nearly 18 sir, I can mind them." Sam said, grinning.
Mr Yonah crossed his arms.
"Right.. just don't get kicked out.. come back here at 8 sharp. Lights out at 11."

We all nodded and went to the front.

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