This chapter contains 16 plus content <3
- Cherry

Everyone was sitting down in the room on the floor, cross-legged. Elvio and Henley got up to leave to do their supposedly new "nighttime routine". Celeste and Andy looked at eachother and got up too, to leave.

Before they could though, Blue jumped up.
"Hey can I come with you guys? I'm bored here." He said.

"Sure." The girls said and the 3 of them left.

Andy's POV

"Just down there at the end of the hall, that's the bathroom that Elvio and Henley fuck in so I'd advise you not to go in there." I said to Blue who laughed. We passed the bathroom and the unholy noises coming from it.

"Last night we came down to the theatre stage and just sat and looked at it for a while. It's beautiful to look at from the seats." Celeste told Blue. He nodded.

"What were you chatting about last night?" He asked as we all sat down in some of the seats.

"I was explaining what it feels like to fall in love with the same gender." Celeste replied.
Blues eyebrows lifted up.

"Oh that's cool. I thought you were really brave for coming out to us by the way, Celeste." Blue told her. She smiled back.
"Thanks! It was easier than I expected."

"I haven't told anyone this, but I'm actually questioning myself." He looked down at his hands.
Celeste and I looked surprised.
"Really? Is everyone coming down here questioning their sexuality now?" Celeste laughed. Blue and I laughed too.

"Nah I've been questioning for about a year now. I actually had a crush on Elvio for a while. It was mad, until I realised who I ACTUALLY had a crush on."

We both kind of leaned in wondering who he may be talking about. He looked at us.

"I'll tell you some other time, haha.. I better head back to the room.." he got up and left quickly.
"Oh. Well, it's good he told us that he was questioning. He trusts us which is lovely." Celeste said.
"Yeah..." I said.

There was a hesitation.
"Are you okay, Andy?" She asked me. This question made my heart flutter. And that's when I realised something.

"I-" I couldnt get the words out.

"I figured out.. I'm pansexual!" I said. Celeste's eyes widened happily.
"Omg I'm so happy for you!! That's great! How did you realize?" She asked me.

I looked down at my hands.
"Well.. I do like looks but I realised that personality is more important. And I realised that I wasn't the BIGGEST fan of London's personality... like he's a nice guy and everything but I get a gut feeling he's more of a man's man."

"You think he's gay?" Celeste asked me.
I nodded.

"I do. And I have a feeling I know who Blue likes."
Celeste paused but then it dawned on her.

"Omg you think Blue likes London??"
"Perhaps! London got awkward when he was speaking to me outside the bathroom and he kept glancing back at the table. I thought he was nervous about speaking to me but turns out he was trying to look at Blue. That's a theory I have!" I laughed at it. Celeste laughed too.

I stared at her. She wiped the laughing tears away from her eyes and lifted off her glasses to clean them gently. Then she put them back on and looked right at me.

"You okay?" She asked me again.

"Y-Yeah.." I stuttered. She looked at me weirdly. Then her gaze softened.

There was a long pause.

"Have you ever kissed a girl before?" I asked Celeste, trying not to be extremely obvious.
"I- well, yeah. But I've kissed more guys that girls which is kind of sad really." She laughed then she stopped and looked at me.

We both locked eyes.
" ever kissed a girl?" She asked me.
"N-no. Not to my knowledge." I joked. There was a pause.

Then she leaned in and kissed me strongly and I didn't hesitate to kiss her back quickly. She was a passionate kisser, and I tried to match her pace but she was faster.
I had never have thought that she was this good. I never would have thought I would've ended up kissing someone, let alone a girl on this school trip.

She let go and stared at me. I stared right back.
"Fuck it." She said and she kissed me again. I wasn't expecting her to swear. She's fucking gorgeous I thought to myself. Her hands started to feel. She put her hands on my shoulders which made me flinch.
"Sorry!" She said, recoiling back.
"N-no...! I... I like it." I touched her hands. She smiled and started to kiss me again. She placed her hands on my waist. We were sitting next to eachother so our position wasn't exactly comfortable.

Celeste picked up on that, and she got up out of her chair and pulled my hand. We stood in an aisle on one of the rows of seats in the theatre. She replaced her hands on my waist again, but this time I kissed her first and she kissed me back. We stood there in the middle of an aisle, getting closer to the making out stage.

I had never made out, let alone kiss a girl before so I didn't know what the best thing to do was, so I let her take control. Her hands felt up the sides of my shirt, so I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her in closer. In a flash, my jumper was off and so was her shirt.

We broke apart after a few minutes, panting heavily.
"Shit dude." I said. She laughed. I looked at her standing in front of me, her hands still on my waist, in a tight cropped top. My eyes started to travel down her body. She was slim and even had a belly ring. She smiled at me which made my stomach do a flip. I could hear her breathing was heavy.

"Can.. I..?" I stuttered. She laughed a tiny bit.
"Do whatever you want." She said. I looked at her, then smiled. I then leaned forward and started to kiss her neck.

Celeste's POV

She was genuinely the hottest girl I had ever kissed in my life. She was gorgeous. Her brown hair falling in front of her face. She leaned in and was kissing my neck. I rolled my head back. While she kissed my neck, I let my hands move on her body. They lifted her oversized shirt up slightly, and I gently pulled it over her head and gasped quietly. This made her blush and smile like crazy.

We both stood there, me in my cropped white, tight t shirt, and her in her sports bra. My stomach was fluttering with butterflies. I leaned forward and kissed her neck this time, and she gasped. I giggled into her neck.

Then I pulled back and kissed her again, her lips so soft. Then, she started to take the reigns. She introduced her tongue and tried to taste my mouth. I smiled into the kiss, and decided to pull her closer. She kissed so passionately it made me just want to-

Andy's POV

Celeste sighed into my ear. It made my knees go wobbly and weak. I had started to take over but her groan had changed me. She noticed me shift position and she giggled. She started to take over a bit more, and she got more passionate every kiss. Soon enough, I was sweating. My mind was going mad. She was making me crazy. She made me want to lift off her top.

She made me mental. In the greatest way possible.


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