Meeting Samael

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Yin POV:

He was really mad at me.

I could neither confirm nor deny that I knowingly didn't allow a very enthusiastic guy, who called War many times to talk to him.

Mostly, I wanted to bug War.

On some level... I don't know. Whatever.

He really pissed me off on my first day.

I figured he wouldn't be extremely nice to me at first, but I didn't think he'd be this vile.

He didn't give me any important work, he used me like a maid and he was so cold that even the North Pole would be jealous of him!

I was so pissed, I almost forgot my main reason of being his secretary.

I guess, today I went a little bit overboard on annoying him. He never lost his temper before. Now, he was yelling at me.

Next thing I knew, he fainted and fell into my arms.

I laid him down on the examination bed and looked at the clock. It was 15:00. Right on time.

I knew he'd wake up in couple of seconds.


He got up in a rush. He was now standing up in front of me.

He locked his different looking eyes to mine.

"Well, hello there ;)

You are a nice piece of work huh? I guess Father made you on his spare time.

I mean... I'm not gay, but if you want to have some fun... I am up for it." He winked and kissed my cheek.

When he did, I inhaled War's signature smell. It was heavenly, ironically. His lips were so soft.

I tried to focus.

He got closer, grabbed the collar of my shirt, licked my neck and whispered "Mmm. Turns out, one of us is gay. I can tell your body is craving me. Come on... let it go."

I pushed him with all the strength I had.

"It's your lost baby. Well, I wouldn't be able to go all the way anyways.

Ughhh he came to this stupid place again. What can a guy do for fun around here?"

He made a move to go outside, I grabbed his hand tightly.

"What's the rush? Let's hang out."

"Mmm. No. You're boring. I don't have time to lose.

Let. my. hand. go."

I was trying to come up with a quick solution. For any excuse...

"Let's do it War." His eyes widened.

"Let's have fun like you said."

He looked at me. I couldn't figure out if he took my bait or not.

"Baby, even though that sounds very appealing, we both know you don't mean it.


He punched me and my back hit the wall.

I was about to pass out when he leaned in and whispered: My name is Samael. Remember that.

2 hours later...

Alice was looking at me worriedly.

"Are you okay Yin? What happened?"

"Nothing. I just... fell."

She wasn't convinced but I didn't have time to lose.

"Alice, do you know where War went?"

"No, he left without saying anything. Be was in a hurry."

I grabbed my things and get to my car. I started to look for him in bars. I noticed he updated his social media status and directed my car to the place.

I looked for him in a very dimmed and very dangerous looking bar and found him on the corner.

I wanted to rip my eyes off.

He was sitting with two blonde girls on his each side.

He put his one hand on one of the girls thighs and he put his tongue to the other's neck.

Off and Gun found me since I called them on the way.

Off asked. "What's the status?"

"Well... His name is Samael. Based on his behaviour, I'm guessing he is 16 or 17 years old. His definitely powerful and smart. He figured out I'm a slayer in less than five minutes.

Also, as you can see, he is very much straight."

They both looked worried. Gun asked "Do you think we can perform the ritual here?"

"I don't think so. As I said, he is dangerous. We should observe and investigate more before we take an action.

I don't want to hurt War."

Three of them got up, they were heading to the restroom. I knew what kind of stuff they were going to do and I was feeling powerless.

I turned to Off, "How much time does he have?"

"Well... Not more than ten minutes."

Ten minutes...

A lot can happen in ten minutes.

Pictures of three bodies entangled with each other came to my mind.


Without realising what I was doing, I went to the restroom. Well. The scene was not as bad as in my mind but it was still bad.

I pushed the girl from War's lap and took one of his hand.

He looked at me very angrily when I slammed my lips on his lips.

As soon as I did, he got the all control and pushed me to the wall, inserted his tongue to my mouth.

I was moaning like crazy.

"Mmmm you taste so good handsome."

He dived in to my mouth again. I was just starting to lose myself in him when he back off.

"That was fun. You should find me again handsome."

Once again today, I caught War's unconscious body with my hands.

When I looked up, Off and Gun were looking at me with shocked faces.

"YIN, you..."

"You made out..."

"You made out with a demon???????!!!!"

To Be Continued...

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