Perfect Day

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Yin POV: 

The beautiful familiar scent, an incredible warmth and the softest skin welcomed me after an extraordinary night. They were all whispering to me that life was much better than I thought. I got close to the body in front of me and tightened my grip as if he would just slip out if I held him a little looser. 

He murmured ''Morning'' with a raspy voice. I leaned in and kissed his cheek ''Morning.''

He turned to me and our eyes met, he was struggling to keep his gaze though. I decided to make it harder for him, ''You look so beautiful in the morning.'' As I predicted, he got shy. 

''And you look incredible. Every hour of the day. Who are you a movie star?'' He said in one breath before burying his head to my chest. Sudden compliment caught me off guard. My heart started to pound so fast and the worst part was his head was directly above it! 

''Wow Yin. I think you should see a cardiologist. Your pulse rate is really high.''


I hated that he was a doctor. 

''Yeah, sure I'll do that.''

I held his head with my palm and kissed his hair, which still smelled like flowers and wasn't sticky at all despite all the action, and hugged him. He tried to free himself but I wanted to play a little more. We were technically wrestling in the bed now. 

''Let me goooo''

''Noooo, you're gonna live in my arms from now on. You'll never leave. And you will pay rent''

''How am I suppose to pay rent if I can't go to work?'' 

''Mmm. You're going to examine patients from here.''

''That's a great plan my genius secretary. Plus, I don't want to live here, I am a hostage. Hostages don't pay rent.''

''Not unless they are you.''

''Okay, that's it. Let me goooo''

''Ouch!!!'' He bit my freaking hand to let himself go free. 

''Hehe :)))''

''I cannot believe you bit me!''

''You deserved it.''

 ''What are you?? a vicious rabbit?? Do you have rabies?''

''Yes I do! Come to the hospital with me and get your shot"'' He laughed and got up from the bed. 

''One second ago this bed was my sanctuary. Now, it's my hell.''

''Were you always this dramatic?''

''Well, I was in the drama club at the university.''

''I can tell.'' He chuckled. He went to the kitchen and bring us some water. I was so happy because of the yesterday's events that I didn't pay attention to my poor body. ''You are a real life saver doc.''

I hold his arm "How is your hand? Does it still hurt?"

"Well... not so much. I miss the numbness of being drunk though."

"We can fix that with more alcohol."

"Yin, if we drink more we're gonna die."

"Yeah, I don't feel so good, nevermind. So... what are you going to do today?"

"I don't know. My body won't let me do much stuff though."

"Ouwww, I was hoping we could repeat last night."

"Don't you have any other thoughts?"

"Not when I'm this close to you on bed."

"I said my body won't let me do much stuff, this includes the kinda things you think about."

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