Short Office Encounter

161 20 13

13 April 2022

Yin POV: 

War and I looked at each other one last time before going inside. As soon as we did, the badly familiar scent of iodoform, soaps, mixed with the smell of bodily fluids welcomed us. 

War pulled some strings and made a deal with the President to leave the hospital every day at 14:30 and make up his lost time at night shifts for a month. I wasn't fond of this idea, but there hadn't been any accidents for two days. 

My slayer group, including me, didn't understand the sudden silence of Samael. We needed him to show himself to determine a strategy and War was getting impatient at home. Everything was so unclear to him that he didn't want to interrupt his life until this matter is resolved. I understood that but I made him promise to me that he wouldn't go anywhere without me. Not to work, not to home, anywhere. 

He did question my true intentions but when he saw I was being serious, he didn't protest. Well... It was a win-win for me. I got to be by his side all the time, also I got to protect him at all costs. 

There was no way, he wouldn't fall for me after spending that much time with me. Right? 

When the clock showed 11:00, I realized I had been in a starring contest for a half an hour with the door of War's office. Sarawat, War's famous secretary went into his office and since War didn't have a scheduled patient at that time they were chatting. 

I was trying to find a way to interrupt them but nothing was happening. How was that even possible in a hospital?! I briefly considered even cutting myself to get attention but I didn't want to worry War. 

No. My sudden craziness didn't appear out of nowhere. War was really fond of him. I learned from the gossips around the hospital that he was the reason War didn't want me in the first place. Sarawat's great looks added salt to a injury. I didn't want to admit but he was easy on the eyes. OKAY!! He was attractive.

Instead of being petty, I decided to be a great secretary and give our guest a nice hot tea. I knocked on the door, I could hear some laughter through it. 

''Come here Yin'' I opened the door and saw War, who was smiling widely at me while showing his cute dimples. He was gorgeous. 

Was that so wrong to want to keep that smile for myself?

''I brought you some tea, you've been here for a while.'' I served the tea to them. 

''Thank you.''

I was standing now looking at them, trying to find an excuse to stay. 

''Yin, if you are not busy, come sit with us. Let me introduce you to my good friend Wat.''

Sarawat extended his hand to me. I may had shook his hand a little bit too tight. 

''Actually, we have met. We had a handover meeting for the position after my transfer was finalized. How have you been Yin?''

I looked at him coldly. ''Fine, you?''

''I am fine too. How is it going, being War's secretary?''

''Can't complain.''

''Do you have any questions for me or suggestions?''


He turned to War and ''I thought you said he was chatty. A little bit too much at that.''

War turned to me with a concerned look on his face ''Are you okay Yin?'' 

''Yes, yes I am okay. Just a little bit tired.'' 

''So... Any ways. I need to go War, Win is probably returned by now. You should come to our place for a dinner sometime.''

''Sure, we'll talk. Take care Wat, thank you for checking on me.''

''Take care. And Yin, it was nice to see you again. I entrust War to you.''

Jesus. Who was he to entrust War to me? 

''Yin... Now that Wat is gone, are you really okay?''

''yeah yeah I am. Who are they? His family?''


''He said 'you should come to our place for dinner.' ''

''Oh, he meant him and the doctor Metawin from cardiology department. He told me that they moved in together.''

I couldn't contain my wide smile. I clapped my hands together. ''Oh My God, that is great news!!''

War looked at me all confused ''You were so cold to him a second ago, why are you so happy for them now?''

''I mean... It's great news... For the world of love. You don't know it, but I am a very romantic person deep down, just like you... I get really happy when people get together.''

''Mmmmm. So you weren't jealous?''

''Nooooooooo.  Where did you get THAT idea?''

War got up from his seat and got really close to me. ''Yin... Tell me the true.''

''I am telling you the true.''

He got even closer, our lips were really close right now. If I could lean in just a bit, I could capture them. 

He started making soft, up and down movements on my chest. He whispered to my ear ''Yinnnnn, if you tell me the true right now, I will give you a reward you tonight.''

OH GOD. Well... Who was I to object that?

''Fineeee. I was jealous. You didn't want me as your secretary because you wanted him. And for the love of God pleaseeee back off a bit. I don't think I can walk out from here if you continue.''

He backed off and laughed. ''You are so easy to tease. And so easy to read. I can always tell when you are lying.''

''That's great for me.''

''Just for you to know, I wanted Wat to continue his work because he was my secretary for three years. We are really good friends and I was really comfortable working with him. But... Now. I wouldn't change you for any one.'' He kissed my cheek. 

I turned my back and walked to the door. I locked it.

''Yinn what are you doing, I have a scheduled patient coming in five minutes.''

''A looot can happen in five minutes.'' I slammed my lips to his. ''Why are you so cute War? I'm melting inside, but I am really hard , oh sorry, solid on the outside.''

He laughed then continue kissing me. ''Wow. I never thought I'd be so unprofessional to do this.''

''It's fun though, right?''

''Yes.. Very much so. But now, gooooooo. I need to see my patient.''

''ohhh but I am your patient too, because you are the reason of my irregular heart beat.''

''Ogghkk. That was cheesier than the fondue we had yesterday! Gooooo.'' 

I sent him a flying kiss and went out. I could still hear his giggles through the door.  

I liked him waaay too much.

To Be Continued...

Who Is War Wanarat?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora