21 Questions, Some Lies

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War POV:

"What's your favorite season of the year?"

I scoffed. "Really? Are you starting with that? What are you gonna ask next, my favorite color?"

"Hey! There should be a rule about belittling the other one's questions! Like taking two shots of vodka."

"I'm not taking any shots just because you're question was bad."

"You start then!"

"Okay. What's your biggest fear?"

"Well... at least my question was bad. This is upright depressing."

"Why? I don't think being afraid of spiders is depressing. It's just hard to live with. They are my biggest fear."

"My biggest fear is losing someone I love."

"Oh. Yes, that was depressing then. Okay, you ask now. Before you do, drink two shots, you just insulted my question."

Yin swallowed two shots.

"Wow. That was hard to swallow."

"That's what he said."

"You're 12, War.

Okay... What's the weirdest thing in your closet?"

I took a shot.

Yin laughed. "Now, I'm curious. What do you hide in there doc?"

"You'll never know ;)"

"Now, I am REALLY curious. Something dirty, definitely. I'm just gonna go and look."

I hold his hand while he was trying to get up. "Don't.even.think.about.it. Plus, you're ruining the game. Sit down."

We were getting drunk by each hour. I hadn't have this much fun in a long time though.

"My turn. What are people always surprised to know about you?"

Yin thought for a moment. "Mmm...I'm really good at breakdancing."

I laughed out loud. "You're kidding right?"

He got up and tried to do bunch of moves but he couldn't succeed.

"I'm really good, it's just alcohol..."

"Yes, yes, I'm sure."

"Okay, fine. The same question then."

"Well... I'm really good at yoga."

"No way."

"Yes. And unlike you, I'm not lying."

"Prove it."

I relaxed my muscles and did some stretching moves.


I focused on my body. First, I squatted with my knees apart, placed my hands on the floor, brought my knees to my upper arms and formed the Crow Pose.

"Oh Dear God."


"Stop, stop. Pleasee stop."

I got up. "What?"

Yin's face was really red. "I need to wash my face with a really really cold water, like right now.

I think I drank a little bit too much, I'll be right back."

I continued drinking my beer. He came back after a while.

"Seriously, how are you still single?"

I laughed but my face felt really warm again for some reason. Was that a huge compliment? "You cannot ask two questions in a row."

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