Silent Enemy

290 22 10

06 April 2022_Thursday

War POV:

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?"

Sarawat was avoiding my eyes as much as he could.

"I can explain, just give me a chance War."

"It's Doctor Ratsameerat for you now. You lost your 'War' privileges when you chose some fair-skinned guy you barely know, over three years of friendship, mister."

"You really won't let this go huh?"

"You know me. No. I will not."

I bumped into Wat in the morning when I was getting my coffee.

Some might assume that a President-approved secretary could bring me a decent cup of coffee, but Yin failed to do so, two days in a row.

On tuesday morning, he got me a pumpkin spice latte. Not only I made it clear to him that I do not like pumpkins or spices in my coffee, I also questioned where did he found that godforsaken drink in the middle of spring.

On wednesday, he got me a triple shot espresso. I believed he wanted me to die from cardiac arrest, so people wouldn't be suspicious, and get him arrested as suspect. Jokes were on him! I knew caffeine consumption related-cardiac arrest was a long shot. Plus, we were on hospital, doctors would just save me.

I swear to lucifer that I saw him smiling maliciously upon seeing my dissappointment.

That's when it dawned on me that he was doing this act on purpose.

I'd fight him but I was trying to keep my cool because of the President's warning.

So... Here I was. Getting my coffee.

Wat started to speak.

"War... I'm really sorry.

Although, I have to say that you're making this a bigger deal than it is. I will always be your friend, you know that."

"Yeah well, and I will always love Harry Potter movies but it's been a long time since I watched one.

If you're going to be my friend regardless, why didn't you come to see me in three days?!

If I wasn't here, getting coffee, I wouldn't bump into you."

"I promise I will explain everything to you when I can. Just... please don't think I care about you less, all right? I have to go now. Call me, whenever you need me."

"Fine... I will."

Something was bothering Wat. This transfer wasn't just about Metawin, I could tell. However, he wasn't the type to blab when pressured. He was going to come to me when he could.

I was lost in my thoughts when I got inside of my department and saw Yin's, stupid but very handsome, face.

"Morning doctor.

Oh. I see you got your coffee already. I also had one for you."

"Morning. You know what? Just don't get me a coffee from now on."

"Why? Is there a problem?"

I looked at him. Damn it! He was good at acting. He looked so innocent.

I decided not to play whatever his stupid game was.

"No problem. Just don't. Send the first patient in, in ten minutes."

"Sure doctor."

I went into my office and threw myself on my chair.

Who Is War Wanarat?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt