The Last One

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"I have great news." Mix told me through the camera.

War was still sleeping in the next room. My team and I started video chat so we could develop a strategy in order to make a recommendation to the two teams that will come for the ritual.

"What's the news?"

"I found this spell that can be really helpful to us. I've been searching for ages. Timing is perfect. I think someone up there really lik-"

"What's the spell?" I cut him of abruptly because I was so impatient.

"I'll tell you. Geez. I found a way to make you ugly boys to look like beautiful chicks."

"How is that great news?"

"Mmm. Okay. Let me add a word to that sentence. 'Like a beautiful blonde chicks.'."

"Oh. You mean, we don't have to find some blonde girl hunters, we can just turn them into ones."

"Yes. Captain Yin Obvious." He rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure we can trick Samael?"

"Yes. I'm really sure."

I turned to ask Earth. "So... what's our plan captain?"

"We are going to use this big villa. We are going to fake a party. All of the people in there will be slayers. Then, we're going to lure him with fake blonde hunters to a room. I believe they wouldn't have any trouble taking his clothes of. We're going to hide the knife before they went in there. They are going to do the rest.

Yin, you will not show yourself but you will stay close to the house in case of a fight. This time, we will keep an eye on the team and if things go south, you're going to step in to appeal War.

I still don't think this is a good idea. Especially after your last encounter with Samael. If you fail, you can seriously get injured even die. So... I'm asking you one last time. Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am sure."

"Okay. This is our new plan then."

Off scoffed. "You do realize if we'd do this the first time none of us would get injured, right?"

Gun slightly slapped his arm. "Papi, don't judge captains decisions. We didn't have the spell then. Plus, none of us could've know he'd be that powerful."

"I agree with Off. I have this crazy itches in my cast and that could've been avoid!"

"Oh my god. Gemini! You're awake! I'm so glad man."

"Yes, I have a question to ask actually Yin. Are you in love with me? Because... doctor said you cried for hours in front of the operative unit. I mean, I'm honored but I love Fourth, just so you know."

"Okay. My happiness ended fast. It's great to see that you are so well, you can spout nonsense my friend. And no, I'm not in love you. I'm in love with War."

"You aree??" My team asked.

I heard another soft voice behind me.

"You are?"

I turned to see War was coming at me with messy hair. He picked up his pillow and blanket too.

"Okay. I'll talk to you in an hour,bye now."

I closed the chat but I wasn't fast enough so I heard Off yelling 'good luck dude.'

"Baby... why did you wake up? Did you have a nightmare?"

"No... I got cold."

He was so cute. He was rubbing his eyes while carrying his blanket. I thought to myself... I could want his child. He would be so cute, just like he is right now. We only need an egg donor. I imagined them, wearing matching pyjamas, warm feeling enveloped my heart.

Who Is War Wanarat?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora