S4 ━ Memorandum.

175 8 1

November 1, 2005

Tonight is Y/n's prom night and I found myself patiently waiting outside her dormitory for her arrival. It feels like an eternity has passed as I anticipate her slow and meticulous process of getting ready in her exquisite attire. Impatiently, I tap my stylish Versace shoes against the ground and casually lean on my sleek Kawasaki Ninja 400 motorcycle, all the while still yearning for my best friend's presence, who seems to be taking an eternity to prepare herself.

"Y/n!" I expressed my frustration audibly and made a disapproving sound with my tongue, feeling irritated by the situation. I shifted my gaze towards the side mirror of my bike, whereupon I let out a self-conscious chuckle, realizing that it was due to her insistence that I had to get a mullet haircut and dye my hair black.

"Haruchiyo?" As soon as I caught sight of her and heard the melodic tones of her voice, my reflexes kicked in and I swiftly readjusted my suit, meticulously ensuring that every crease was smoothed out. At the same time, I hastily ran my fingers through my disheveled hair, determined to present myself in the best possible way. Her voice resonated with an ethereal quality, as if it had the power to unlock the gates of heaven itself.

The gentle and tender manner in which she pronounced my name left me in awe; it was the softest utterance I had ever encountered.Trying to put into words the overwhelming emotions that washed over me in that moment is an arduous task. All I can say is that her captivating voice consumed my attention entirely, leaving me spellbound and utterly entranced.

As soon as she exited her dormitory, my gaze immediately fixated on her breathtaking attire, the Color Dress 2005, which accentuated every curve of her body. The intensity of her appearance was undeniably captivating, making her arguably the most attractive person I had ever encountered throughout the entirety of my existence.

I found myself unable to divert my eyes from Y/n, overcome with an overwhelming desire to continue observing her. Attempting to alleviate my nerves, I inhaled deeply and bravely took a step closer to her, my laughter betraying my anxiousness. It was astonishing to comprehend just how stunning she was, as if an ethereal goddess had graced my presence. The rapid and palpable beating of my heart seemed to echo her name incessantly, desperately yearning for her attention.

God, I am absolutely astounded by the immense blessing that has been bestowed upon me in my life. Y/n, she is without a doubt the epitome of perfection; her beauty is beyond compare, her presence is awe-inspiring, and her kindness knows no bounds. I, Haruchiyo Akashi, am willing to go to any lengths, even lay down my life, to protect her.

I am eternally grateful to God for gracing me with such an incredible blessing, one that I never could have fathomed would bring such fulfillment to my existence. Her radiant smiles, her delightful giggles, and her infectious laughter have transformed me into the man that I know she deserves. Each day, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for having her by my side.

Jesus, Y/n, if you truly grasped the extent of your stunning beauty as perceived by my eyes, it would likely evoke an overwhelming surge of emotions within you that could potentially lead to tears of sheer bliss. The sheer magnificence of your angelic qualities renders me speechless and sends waves of nervousness coursing through my being, as if my heart were on the verge of bursting with an indescribable intensity.

I extended my hand towards her, and without any hesitation, she willingly took hold of it. In that moment, a rush of emotions overwhelmed me; I was taken aback by the ethereal smile that adorned Y/n's face, causing a subtle blush to grace my cheeks. Mesmerized by her captivating beauty, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from her radiant presence.

SIGNIFICANT OTHER, haruchiyo s.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz