S4 ━ Ignorance.

102 8 0

March 22, 2015
1:33 a.m.

Y/n swiftly leaped out of the window after seeing the bloodbath of the Bonten against the cops, seeking refuge beneath the grandeur of the towering tree's embrace. In her haste, she hastily discarded the incriminating knife, the very weapon that had the potential to condemn Sanzu to a lifetime behind bars. Immersed in an unwavering assurance, she firmly believed that this pivotal piece of evidence could effortlessly incarcerate Sanzu perpetually.  

A momentary thought escaped her lips as she murmured to herself, recognizing the necessity to rid any traces of her transgressions, "I have to clean myself." Urgency fueled her movements as she began to sprint away from the scene of her recurring criminal act. 

After evading capture for an entire hour, Kara heard a whistle that instantly triggered a wave of familiarity within her. It was a voice that she had become accustomed to during the tumultuous events of the moebius war. Without any hesitation, she sprinted towards the source of the sound, praying that it was indeed the person she longed to see - Shuji Hanma.

Breathless and on the verge of tears, Y/n reached Hanma and desperately clutched onto his hands. In the comforting embrace of Hanma's suit, she finally unleashed her pent-up emotions and wept uncontrollably against his chest. Remarkably, Hanma remained unperturbed by her outpouring of sorrow, for the two had formed a strong bond during the time when Kazutora had joined the Valhalla.

Curiosity consumed Hanma as he gazed into Y/n's tear-filled eyes, deciding to confront her about the ordeal she had just endured. With gentle yet commanding force, he lifted her chin upward, forcing her to meet his penetrating gaze. Glancing deeply into her eyes, Hanma seemed to search for the truth that she so desperately tried to conceal.

To her surprise, and perhaps his own, Y/n simply replied with a meek "nothing." However, Hanma had an uncanny ability to decipher the hidden intentions and emotions of others merely by observing their eyes. Consequently, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that Y/n was not telling him the whole truth. 

"I understand," he released his grip on her hand and looked towards his car. He chuckled and asked, "Are you in need of a place to stay?" Y/n rolled her eyes at him, feeling a strong desire to be at home, especially now that she wasn't with Sanzu anymore.

Hanma smirked and gently rubbed his hand on her back, leaning his face closer to hers. He whispered, "I will allow it, but on one condition." Y/n shook her head, smirking as she wrapped her arms around Hanma's neck. She replied confidently, "Of course." 

"Come on, let's get in the car," Hanma said, running her fingers through her hair and flashing Y/n a genuine smile. It had been ages since they had last spoken to each other, ever since the tragic demise of Keisuke Baji.

Hanma had made a conscious decision to distance himself from Y/n for her own well-being, but now he realized that perhaps leaving her all those years ago wasn't such a great idea after all. Both of them hesitantly entered the car, enveloped in an uncomfortable silence that neither of them attempted to break. While Hanma had clearly changed over the years, Y/n remained just as closed off and distant as ever. 

Hanma, wanting to break the silence, commented on the darkness of his penthouse due to his dislike of lights. He pulled the car over and glanced at Y/n, running his fingers along his thigh. Mesmerized by his gaze, Y/n didn't pay attention to the implications of their interaction. Hanma unlocked the car doors and they both exited nonchalantly, as if nothing had occurred.  

As they walked towards Hanma's residence, he casually placed his arm around her waist and took a deep breath, catching a whiff of her hair. Sensing something amiss, he whispered to her neck, questioning the scent of blood. Not wanting to dwell on the peculiar comment, Y/n moved away from him and continued their stroll towards the entrance of his home. 

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