S2 ━ Altercation.

273 14 9

February 21, 2014

As she strolled down the vibrant streets of Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, the cacophony of bustling sounds enveloped her senses. Conversations, filled with casual chattering, reached her ears, creating a lively atmosphere that brought a small smile to her face. Suddenly, she came to a halt, captivated by the sight of a prominent Bookstore standing proudly before her. Without a moment's hesitation, she made up her mind to venture inside. 

Upon stepping into the inviting ambience of the bookstore, a refreshing gust of chilled air engulfed her, leaving a pleasant shiver trailing down her spine. Instantly, her attention was captivated by the sight of a woman donned in a dignified ensemble, gracefully cradling a cup of coffee in her hand. 

A gentle smile graced her lips, triggering a rush of familiarity within Y/n's mind, reminiscent of someone dear to her heart. The woman's mesmerizing expression exuded an endearing innocence, complemented by her enchanting lavender eyes that seemed to hold a thousand untold stories. 

With a slight tilt of her head and an innocent expression, Y/n greeted the morning with enthusiasm. Purposefully, she wandered through the rows of books, her fingers delicately tracing the spines of the newly acquired literature. The books had a special significance to her, as they offered a sense of contentment and solace to her overwhelmed mind, which was brimming with thoughts about how she would break the news of her pregnancy to Sanzu. 

The woman took a step towards the counter, prompting Y/n to join her. Curiosity piqued, the young woman nonchalantly trailed behind, keeping pace with the woman's movements. With a determined look on her face, the woman started rummaging through a collection of shuffled books placed inside a box below. 

Finally, she exclaimed, "Ah, I found it!" As she rose to her feet, she carefully extended her hand, presenting Y/n with a pregnancy book that seemed as if it had been untouched for ages, covered in a layer of dust that added to its antiquated appearance. 

Y/n had mixed emotions, feeling puzzled but choosing not to voice any complaints as she graciously accepted the book handed to her. With gentle care, she delicately wiped off the layer of dust that had accumulated on the book's cover. Unexpectedly, the woman who had initially handed her the book suddenly became aware of her own lapse in providing satisfactory service. Feeling remorseful, she swiftly took the book back from Y/n's hands and meticulously removed every speck of dust before returning it to her customer.

"I never thought I'd see this book again to be honest," the woman exclaimed enthusiastically as her thumb caressed the smooth leather cover.

"This very book held my attention during the precious moments of my pregnancies," she continued, her eyes gleaming with nostalgia and affection. With a hint of pride in her voice, she shared, "You know, this cherished book has actually been passed down through generations; it once belonged to my great-great grandmother." A gentle sip from her aromatic cup of dark mocha coffee accompanied her words, as if savoring the taste of the past intertwined with the present. 

Y/n experienced a mix of emotions, feeling a blend of perplexity and appreciation due to the woman's words. The reason for the perplexity arose from the fact that she had been given a pregnancy book by a bookstore employee for free, without any explanation. However, amidst this confusion, a sense of gratitude also surfaced within Y/n. As she mustered the courage to respond, the woman unexpectedly interjected, sharing her own personal struggle. It unveiled a deeply emotional revelation that she had once carried a child within her womb, but circumstances and missed chances had deprived her of the privilege of motherhood.

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