Kelebek offered the other woman a nod as she walked past, before turning her attention back to her destination.

Giving Daye Hatun her best smile, Kelebek declared, "myself and Sultana Zeynep are here to see the Valide Sultana, should she be willing to receive us."

Daye looked her up and down, before offering a brief nod and disappearing through the double doors.

A moment later, they opened to admit the three. An Agha's voice sounded as they entered: "announcing Sultana Zeynep, Kelebek Hatun and Banu Hatun."

Kelebek moved through the door, dropping into as low a bow as she could manage with her daughter in her arms.

The Valide waited for several moments, before deciding, "you may rise, Kelebek Hatun."

The blonde did as she was bid.

The Valide did not look pleased about her visit, and it wasn't hard to decipher why. No doubt, she expected Kelebek had come in here to fling about accusations - just as Hürrem had done, even though everyone with half a brain knew that the redhead had been correct.

Still, that was not the route Kelebek intended to take.

"What brings you here?" Valide Ayşe Hafsa Sultan inquired.

"There are some products I wish to buy, my Valide," Kelebek informed her. "My daughter arose early this morning, and I do not wish to keep her from her rest by taking her throughout the Harem. I was hoping that you might allow Sultana Zeynep to remain here with you for a few hours, as after my recent poisoning I fear to leave my daughter alone. Banu can remain to assist with any care."

Valide Hafsa looked surprised. "You would like your daughter to stay here for her protection?"

"I trust you, Valide," Kelebek said. It was not entirely true, but nor was it completely false. She found it very unlikely indeed that the Valide would want her out of the way, especially not at the expense of her own grandchild. Still, she needed an excuse to cross her off of her lists, and Banu reporting the Valide's behaviour with Zeynep later may just provide that proof. "I trust your love for your granddaughter, and the peace you aim for within this Harem."

The Valide nodded, pleased. "Very well, I would be happy to keep the Sultana with me for the day."

Trying to hide her reluctance, Kelebek passed her darling Zeynep over to Banu, again falling into a deep curtsey. "I thank you, Valide."

She did not have to trust the Valide, Kelebek reminded herself as she headed towards the doors of the other woman's chambers, she just had to trust that Banu would not let anyone harm a hair on her daughter's head.

Of all things, Kelebek knew she could trust in that.


She took Sevil Hatun with her, the other girl watching her every step with caution, hands twitching to catch her.

Kelebek smiled at her friend's devotion, ignoring the sinking reminder of all that she had lost to the poisoning - she could not think of her babe, not now. Regardless, Kelebek was perfectly capable of walking alone.

"Any events of interest while I was out?" Kelebek asked, resolving not to chide Sevil for her kindness.

Sevil's eyes widen. "I completely forgot to tell you. Apparently, Gülnihal was in the Sultan's chambers the night Hürrem gave birth to a son! Hürrem beat her and some claim she poisoned her, as half Gülnihal's face is burned. The Valide took Şehzade Mehmed off Hürrem Sultan after, but I believe he has been returned. Also, some gifts were sent to your chambers for the birth of Sultana Zeynep, they must be grand to have taken nearly three months to arrive! The Sultan is also preparing to campaign again."

Kelebek Sultan | {SULEIMAN} Magnificent CenturyWhere stories live. Discover now