S2E17: The Infestation of the Grapefruit (Arc 2)

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Misty: (smile) Sounds yummy.

Tracy: (smile) Then what are we waiting for, let's go.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah let's enjoy our break.


Night came and we everyone enjoying themselves as Ruby treats Ash and the other humans and pokemon soke Grapefruits meals which were good. The Autobot brought some energon as they enjoy themselves.

However we see Whirl just watching everyone enjoying themselves and then turns and leaves. Alex and Ben noticed this and so they left to check up on him. We soon see Whirl at the beach and sat down. Whirl sat there in silence as he looks at the ground when Alex and Ben came up to him.

Alex: Hey Whirl.

He turn to see the two as they too sat next to him.

Whirl: Oh hey. So how are things?

Alex: (smile) Pretty good. You did a good work handling Snorlax.

Whirl: Please I would have killed it just to make things easier.

Alex: Okay.

Ben: [Kinda dark.]

Whirl just ignores Ben and then said.

Whirl: Look.....a while ago.....at Mandarin Island. I said some things that upset you and I just.......I just.....scrap...I'm not good at this. I just want to say.......I'm sorry. It was dumb for me to say it....I just don't understand the bond you two have.

Alex: It's alright.

Whirl: Just that.......I.......I was never like this. Not even close. I was just like every bot. Have faces of emotions, smiles and all. But they were taking away from me. Not only I lost identity but I lost myself. I was angry at the world, angry that I lost everything I ever care for and I can't let it go. It's the reason I became a Wrecker kid. As a Wrecker, I can let out my anger out as much as I want. Make every enemy I met pay for the pain and struggle I have gone through. I thought if I succeed, maybe I can get my life back but now......I realise now that's never going to come back. Everything I cared for, everything I loved.....is gone and all I have is my rage. I learn to just never care so that's what I did.

Alex: (shocked) Whirl......I have no idea.

Whirl: Of course you don't. You don't understand what it feels like to lose everything you care for.

Alex: Actually..........I do. I lost my parents many years ago and it hurts. But thanks to Ben......I'm not alone. I think the reason why you like this is because you never have anyone with you.

Whirl: I guess. Perhaps I push everyone away. Including the Wreckers.

Alex: We're a team and as such, we will never abandon you in anyway.

Whirl: Well maybe you should. After all I am a jerk.

Alex: Maybe but your also a friend. Maybe one day you'll break out the trauma you've gone through and moved on.

Whirl is silent for a moment while Alex and Ben decided to stay with him which Whirl doesn't say anything and allows the two to stay with him for a bit as the night continues.

(Next day)

We find Ruby checking things up with the other Grapefruit  island however the second, Third and Fourth islands didn't respond. This concerned her so she came out and tells the Autobots the situation.

Ruby: I lost communication with Islands 2,3 and 4. They are silent.

Y/n: That's odd. Maybe the communications is done.

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