S1E5: The wolfs from the stars

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We see the planet of Earth itself and nothing else but stars around the planet along with a moon floating around Earth. Then we see something that looked like meteors going by the planet. But then one or the meteors break off and heads strike towards Earth. We see the meteor is no normal meteor as we see it's made out of metal and it looks like a small ship as the small ship enter Earth's atmosphere and soon break through the clouds and then making it's crash in the large forest which made a huge explosion.

A few pokemon make a run frommthe blast as we see the small escape pode like ship made it's crash with smoke steaming out of the small ship. There was only silence for a while until the back of the small ships doors open and hand came out of the shuttle and lands on the side of the small escape pod follow by a growl.

(Next day)
(Location: Endless wild forest)

We see Y/n and the Autobots waiting outside of the pokemon centre that is outside of the Endless wild forest as they wait for Alex, Verity and Sorrel as we cut inside and see the trio talking to Logen through the computer call as Logen tells them great news.

Alex: (surprised) You got contact by an Autobot named Optimus prime?!

Logen: (call) That's right! It seems him and the other Autobots are going to come here to Earth! This is very much exciting if you ask me!

Verity: (smile) And good to hear. At least Y/n and the rest won't worry about their friends anymore.

Sorrel: Agree.

Logen: (call) Actually I believe some might already be here because there was a report of a meteor crash landed in the area that you are in. I've managed to see the footage of the crash and it doesn't look like a Meteor. (Shows the image on screen) It's more like an escape pod then a huge rock.

Alex: Sent me the image and we'll show this to Y/n and the rest and we can check it out.

Logen: (call) Right! Good luck and I'll make sure this bass is safe.

Alex: (smile) Right.

Once the call ends Logen sent the image which they take and head outside to see Ben, Kai, Piplub and Lucario relaxing by the sun with the Autobots as the trio walk over to the Autobots as they transform into their bot forms and Y/n ask them.

Y/n: So what's the situation?

Alex: Good news and interesting news. Good news is Optimus Prime and the other Autobots are coming here to Earth.

Y/n: (surprised) Seriously?! Thank Primus.

Madison: (smile) What a relief.

Turbospike: And the interesting news?

Verity: Interesting news is that there is a meteor that crash landed in this area but Logen shows us the image and it doesn't look like a meteor.

Alex shows them the image which they look at and they agree that it must be a escape pod.

Y/n: Your right. That's no meteor at all. It looks like an escape pod.

Joshua: So that means the Autobots might already be here?

Turbospike: What if it's a Decepticon?

Madison: Well best we head out and find this escape pod.

Y/n: Right if it is Autobot then we need to help them. If not.....Well let's hope not. Alex, Verity and Sorrel you three and your Pokemons get behind us if things go south. Autobots let's roll out and find this escape pod.

(5 Earth hours later)

We see the Autobots and Alex, Verity and Sorrel making their way through the woods as they search around for an escape pod. They have their weapons on them just in case as they continue moving slowly and carefully through he quit woods.

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